chapter 57

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Bella was with Marcus, Cleo and Aaliyah, who was still asleep in Cleo's arms, it was 9:00 in the morning so they went to a nearby cafe to get some coffee and toast.

"are you sure you wanna do this" Marcus asked Bella for the hundredth time about her decision of going to London for a while.

"I'm not doing this because I want to and not for myself either, I'm doing this for Aaliyah, I don't want her to be around all of this, I need to raise my daughter properly and I can't do that here, I'm not trying to separate Jesse from Aaliyah, it's just that I need to be alone for a while, I need to refocus on everything and I can't do that In Manchester" Bella replied and took a sip of her coffee.

"I'm totally with bells" Cleo said

"alright, but I'm going to miss having you around, not seeing you everyday, you know, it'll be really hard to get used to that" Marcus said with all honesty

"me too Marcus, but this is for the best, I'm not going away forever, just for a few months" Bella said with a small smile.

"you're right, I wish you the best of luck" Marcus said with a smile before the three of them continued having breakfast.


Bella was now getting ready to go get her stuff from Jesse's house, she has mixed feelings about that, she knows that she's gonna have to talk to Jesse and she's not sure if she's ready to do that, she doesn't know how this will go but she's definitely not looking forward to seeing him this soon.

"you okay, bells" Cleo asked

"yeah, I'm just thinking about stuff, you know, Jesse and everything, I'm just not sure if I wanna talk to him this soon" Bella replied

"I feel you, do you want me to come along with you" Cleo asked.

"no, I'll be fine" bella replied

"you sure" cleo Asked again and Bella nodded

"OK, we'll stay with Aaliyah for the meantime" Cleo said and Bella nodded, they hugged before Bella headed to Jesse's house, Marcus let her take one of his cars.

In less than ten minutes, Bella got to Jesse's house, she took a deep breath and headed to the frontdoor, her heart was beating so fast just by the thought of seeing Jesse in a few seconds, she knows that she has no other choice but she definitely wasn't looking forward to it.
She took a deep breath and pressed the doorbell, in less than 10 seconds, Jesse opened the door.

The level of awkwardness increased as the two of them made eye contact, Bella's eyes filled with tears, not because she was not ready to see Jesse but because of the way he looked, he was shattered and definitely not okay, she really wished she could help him with his problems and just be there for him but it's close to impossible.

"hi" Jesse whispered, breaking the (very) awkward silence.

"hey" Bella replied bluntly and made her way inside the house, she headed upstairs straight and packed most of her stuff, Jesse knew that she didn't want to talk to him so he respected that and decided to stay downstairs in the living room so she could finish whatever she was doing.

After half an hour, bella packed most of her stuff into two huge suitcases, including Aaliyah's stuff and then came downstairs with the bags, she wanted to escape from having a conversation with Jesse so she just headed to the frontdoor, hoping that Jesse wouldn't say a word but the complete opposite happened.

"bella" Jesse called and that made bella stop before she turned around slowly

"can we talk" Jesse asked, Bella really didn't want any of this but she had no other choice than to agree and just get over with, I mean, she can't keep running away forever.

"what's there to say" Bella replied, trying her best to fight her tears back, Jesse looked down in guilt, he had absolutely no idea where to start this conversation. Bella took a seat on the couch infront of Jesse, waiting for him to say something.

"I don't have anything to say, I just want to tell you that I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, I honestly didn't mean to do any of that, it just happened, but please just give me a second chance to make things right, please don't go away" Jesse pleaded and he sounded very sincere, but hey, the damage has already been done.

"sorry isn't going to fix anything, it might have done something if we didn't have a baby but now it's too late, you've already ruined everything, I can't stay here, I need some time alone with my daughter, I don't want to be around all this drama, I'm trying my best to move on. but it's just so hard, I need to take care of my daughter properly and I can't do that here, all because of you" Bella said with a cracked voice, still trying her best to not cry.

"I know Bella, I don't deserve another chance, I've messed up, big time but trust me, I regret everything, and I'm sorry, I really didn't mean to do that, but please, just one more chance to make everything right, I can't live without you guys around me, you're my life Isabella, I love you so much and I want us to stay together as a family, atleast for our baby" Jesse confessed with all honesty, Bella knows that Jesse meant everything he said but she just needed to be alone for a while.

"I really wish I could believe you Jesse, I really wish I could but I can't, I know you mean everything but I just can't... I also wish we could stay together as a family but you ruined everything, everyone is intruding my life, and I'm trying my best to forget everything but it's hard, I can't, even if I force myself to, I can't" bella said as a few tears rolled down her cheeks, Jesse just remained silent, he knew that he was guilty.

"I'm not trying to take your baby away from you, I'm just trying to make her life better, I need some time alone, you're also a big part of Aaliyah's life so that's why I'm telling you about this" bella said with a serious face, this is just so heartbreaking for the both of them, and also hard at the same time.

"I understand, and I'm not going to stop you, this is all my fault, I deserve everything, but I just want you to know that I love you and I'll always do" Jesse said, looking at Bella straight in the eyes, she didn't say a word, she just broke the eye contact and stood up to leave.

"please, don't leave me Bella" Jesse pleaded when he could not take it anymore, his voice was cracked up and he had tears filled in his eyes.

"it's for the best" was all Bella said before she took her bags and got out of the house in tears.


Hey guys, I finally had time to update today, well, I actually broke my phone yesterday and my dad is really mad, this is the fourth iphone I broke in two months, great, I'm writing this on my laptop and it sucks, it feels so weird so that's why this chapter is short, but I hope you like it!

Anyways, how did you like this chapter? Are you with Bella on this decision or are you still on Jesse's side? What do you think happens next?

PS. I was thinking of bringing dele alli into the story, IDK what to do with him but I'm still deciding so comment if you think it's a good idea to do so, and also comment what you think I should do with dele!! 🌟

Thank you so much for reading  ✌ I love you guys so so much, byee, enjoy your day 💜💜

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