chapter 59

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*2weeks later: Saturday morning*

Jesse just got back from the gym, and before you ask, no, he didn't go there because he was upset, but instead, he went there because he feels better, like, much better.

Talking to Kirsty the other day made Jesse feel so much better and he finally got rid of the guilt he was feeling before, it also made him realize that being honest is a really important part of a relationship.

And it's been 2 weeks since bella left, Jesse decided to give her some time to relax, even though he desperately needed to talk to her, he still let her calm down for a bit since she didn't want to talk to him for a while but by now, she should be a bit better than before.

After Jesse took a shower, he changed into his black Gucci tracksuit and sneakers before he headed to Marcus's house, Marcus has been so distant from jesse, he's so mad at him to the extent that he doesn't even pick his calls but today, he has to calm down and listen to his bestfriend.

After 10 minutes, Jesse got to Marcus's house, he parked his car and headed to the frontdoor, he knocked a few times before Marcus opened the door, his first reaction was furrowing his eyebrows, he was surprised to see Jesse so early in the morning because he always sleeps in.

"Jesse, what are you doing here so early in the morning" Marcus asked and yawned afterwards.

"what? Bro, it's 8:00 in the morning, don't tell me that you're still sleeping" Jesse replied

"well not anymore since you decided to wake me up and since when do you wake up so early" Marcus said sarcastically.

"OK, put the knife back, I just came to talk to you" Jesse said

"okay?" Marcus said but it came out more like a question

"let me in first" Jesse said and Marcus moved out if the way so he could go inside, Jesse took a seat on the couch while Marcus locked the door.

"so, what do you wanna talk about" Marcus asked as he took a seat next to Jesse

"it's about me and Bella" Jesse replied

"OK, don't even start this because I am definitely not gonna take your side, this was all your fault, and I'm still mad at you" Marcus said

"I know, that's why I came to explain everything" Jesse said

"okay, go ahead then" Marcus said and Jesse sighed.

"you see, Jena lied about everything she said in that interview, I did not have an affair with her, she came to me at my hotel room in Russia and she was crying, telling me that she missed me and that she couldn't live without me, I thought she was telling the truth so I kinda felt bad for her, but I told her that I've already moved on and that she should do the same, so when she got up to leave, I kinda kissed her, hoping she'd feel a little better, and the next thing you know, her would not stop coming to me, every single day, I got fed up and stopped her from coming, she was always forcing me to go out with her to restaurants and stuff but only as friends, I didn't know that she had another motive behind all of this, this was the reason why I've been avoiding Bella because I felt guilty, I just couldn't tell bella any of this and I didn't want to lie to her at the same time so I kept everything to myself" Jesse explained, Marcus's lips were parted a little bit as he listened to Jesse attentively.

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