chapter 46

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Jesse's anger got worse by every step he took to Emily's frontdoor, the moment he got there, he just pushed the door open.

The first thing he saw was Emily, she was sitting on the floor, crying her hearts out and looking at Jesse's pictures that she spread on the floor.

"Jesse, I love you so much, and we'll be together forever, you're going to marry me and we'll have seventeen babies, their names will be Miley, Kylie, Emily, Katie, Ethan, Joseph, Maria, Lia, kaya, Angelina, dawn, Marie, Harry, Katelyn, Meghan, Morgan and April" Emily said while she was crying and laughing at the same time, Jesse was like "what the fuck"
Emily has absolutely gone crazy for Jesse
(wait, that actually rhymes, crazy for Jesse 😂)

"and we'll make out everyday, we'll have sex everyday and w-j... Jesse!" Emily trailed off.
At this point, Jesse was just pitying her, the anger in him has gone down
"Jesse, I heard what happened to Bella, when is her funeral, is her dead body still in the hospital, can I go see it" Emily asked 3 questions at the same time.

"Bella is not dead" Jesse said with a straight face 

"what!" Emily said in disbelief.

"you heard me, Bella is not dead, and I know you were the master mind behind this, you were the one that got Bella shot" Jesse said.

"no... No, it wasn't me I..i promise" Emily lied 

"you know, I would slap you right now but I pity you, you've gone crazy" Jesse said...

"yes! Yes, I have gone crazy for you, can't you see how much I love you, I love you so much and I'll do anything to be with you, even if that means losing my life" Emily said.

"look Emily, don't be like that, you're just going to get yourself into trouble, I told you million times that I do not like you, just leave me alone, you'll find your Mr right soon, don't force yourself to love only me because it's not going to work" Jesse said calmly.

" don't understand, please Jesse, just give me a chance to show how much I love you, I love you more that my own life jesse, please" Emily cried while her hands rested on Jesse's neck.

"Emily, you have to understand that I love only Bella, there's no way you and I can be together because my heart is with bella, I'm asking you nicely to leave us alone, if not, I'll forcefully get you out of my life" Jesse warned.

"what are you saying Jesse, I can't live without you" Emily said, Jesse opened his mouth to talk but his phone started ringing, he checked and it was Cleo, so he picked up.

He talked to her for a while before she hung up.

"well, you better get used to living without me because you're going to jail" Jesse said.

"what! No, no no please, I, I didn't do anything wrong, please" Emily pleaded.

"you should have thought twice before you attempted to kill Bella" Jesse replied, just before the police busted through the door, Emily's eyes widened in fear.

"Mrs Emily, you are under arrest" the officer said with a straight face.

"wh-no, I didn't do anything wrong, I promise, it was a mistake, I won't do it again, please pardon me" Emily pleaded, the officer ignored her and handcuffed her before taking her away. Jesse walked outside with them before the police locked the house and took the key with them for some reason.

Finally, the snake has been killed.

(A/N: section 239 of the criminal code makes attempted murder punishable by a maximum of life imprisonment.
If a gun is used, the minimum sentence is 5, 7 or 10 years, depending on prior convictions and relation to organised crimes.. Now you can keep reading.)


Jesse was really happy, he was smiling throughout the drive back to the hospital.

Jesse parked his car and got inside the hospital, ignoring all the paps.

When he got into Bella's room, he saw almost all the lads with flowers and chocolates and cards, all for Bella.

"hey guys" Jesse said while walking over to them.

"hey jes, where were you" Marcus asked.

"I was at Emily's house, the police arrested her by the way" Jesse replied.
"Jesse, why did you let her get arrested, you should have given her a second chance, I'm sure she didn't mean to do that" Bella said

"OK miss sympathy, she tried to kill you, and even if I said something to stop her from being arrested, the police wouldn't listen because she committed a crime" Jesse replied.

"but y-" Bella started but Jesse cut her off.

"shut up, don't upset me right now, I've already had enough for the day" Jesse said.

"you both should stop fighting, it's a fucking hospital" Paul pointed out.

"then tell her to keep quiet and fall asleep" Jesse replied, Bella rolled her eyes and turned to the other side, so she doesn't have to look at Jesse
( how childish)

The lads stayed for a little while longer before they had to leave, Jesse tried to talk to Bella but she ignored him so he gave up and started talking to Cleo instead.

Suddenly, a knock on the door got everyone's attention, even Bella, Cleo opened the door and It revealed daisy, Kirsty, Louie and sunny, Bella smiled and sat up right.

"Bella!" daisy said excitedly and ran to Bella's side.

"hey cutie pie, how are you" Bella said and kissed daisy's cheek.

"I'm fine, why are you at the hospital" daisy asked.

"because I'm sick" bella replied, daisy placed a kiss on Bella's cheek before she rested her head on Bella's lap.

"hey bella, how are you feeling" Kirsty asked.

"I'm feeling okay, just some little pain here and there" Bella replied.

"I'm sorry about that, I wish you quick recovery" Kirsty said and hugged Bella before she handed her some flowers, Louie and sunny also did the same.

They talked for a little while before they had to leave, so now it was only Jesse, Cleo and Bella.

"Bella!" Jesse called but Bella ignored him.

"I'm sleeping, stop disturbing me" Bella said, she was mocking Jesse.

"that's how you wanna be, then two can play the game of ignorance" Jesse replied and crossed his arms.

"best couple ever" Cleo said and chuckled afterwards.

Hey guys.

Sorry if this is boring, I just got to santorini Greece and I'm about to loose my mind fjftgftvgggy.

Next chapter will be much better

What are your thoughts on this chapter? Did you like it? Who's ready for smut???

I love you guys, thank you so much for reading!!!!!

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