chapter 15

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Bella got up at 8:52 in the morning, she remembered that Jesse had to go to training at nine so she quickly headed to his room, he was laying on his stomach, shirtless and giving out little snores.

"Jesse" Bella called softly as she was shaking him but no response

"Jesse,  wake up, you're going to be late" Bella replied.

"Milly rock" Jesse mumbled in his sleep and Bella laughed.

"Jesse, get up" Bella said but this time, Jesse said something in his own funny language causing Bella to laugh again again

"OK. That's it" Bella said and ripped the blanket off Jesse's body, good thing he was wearing sweatpants.

"ugh! Let me sleep" Jesse groaned.

"c'mon Jesse, wake up" Bella said but he ignored her so she lost it and started jumping on the bed yelling wake up.

"OK OK, I'm up, stop that" Jesse said as he finally sat up right on the bed.

"good, now get ready while I make breakfast" Bella said and went to the kitchen and started cooking.

Jesse took a shower and brushed his (very perfect) teeth then he came into the room and changed into denim shorts for men that stopped just above his knees, a black shirt, a black Snapback that says "jlingz" and the last detail, his black adidas trainers.
He quickly headed downstairs and went into the kitchen, Bella just finished making waffles for Jesse.

"oooh, are those for me" Jesse exclaimed.

"ofcourse, here" Bella smiled and served Jesse.
After he ate, he left the house with Bella.
Bella was going to have a girls day with Emily and Laura, Laura is Emily's cousin and she came to Manchester from New York, she needs help with her wedding dress.

Jesse dropped Bella off, they said thier bye's to each other before Jesse headed to the stadium.

Bella got into her apartment and saw the two girls settled in already, she hugged both of them before thier day started..




Jesse, Marcus and Paul were busy fooling around during training, instead of doing laps, they were dancing, Jesse was busy dabbing while Marcus was doing a very weird dance that had no name, Paul was dancing like a penguin, how ridiculous is that..

****  ****  ****  ****  ****  ****  ****

"so boys, we have a huge match tomorrow against Manchester City, it's the FA cup final and it's taking place in London, we're leaving tomorrow at 9:00 in the morning, don't be late" Jose said and the boys nodded..

"can we bring our wives" David asked.
"ofcourse" Jose replied.

"you can all leave now" Jose said and everyone went back to the changing room

"bro, you can bring bella" Marcus suggested

"yeah, it'll be fun" Paul agreed

"no, I Don't think she'd want to come besides, I'm starting to feel nervous, and I'm a terrible person if I get nervous" Jesse replied

"shut up and just bring bella" marouane yelled

"OK, I'll ask her" Jesse replied and ran out of the room, he got into his car
And drove off to Bella's apartment.

When he got there, he locked his car and went into the apartment, as usual, the door was wide open and Bella was only wearing a robe, her hair was wet and she had no makeup.
The rest of the girls were in Bella's room.

"bells" Jesse called and Bella turned around

"oh my God, Jesse what are you doing here, aren't you supposed to rest" Bella asked

"yes but I need to ask you something" Jesse said.

"what is it" Bella asked as she took a sip of water from her water bottle.

"will you come to London with me" Jesse asked

"what?" Bella replied..

"we have a match tomorrow against Manchester City in London and I was hoping if you'd come with me, please" Jesse pleaded.

"no, I'm sorry but this is a trip for you guys, I can't just go" Bella replied

"no, some of the boys are coming with their wives, edurne is coming too and you know she's stubborn" Jesse said just still not enough to convince Bella.
"I'm sorry Jesse, I can't come with you, I need to be with Emily" Bella replied but before Jesse could say anything, Emily did from upstairs.

"don't worry about me, you just go, I'm sure the guys will be happy if you go" Emily said.

"yes, they'll be very happy, especially me" Jesse said

"c'mon bells, what do you say" Jesse asked with hope.

"OK fine, how long will we be there for" Bella asked 

"just 2 days" Jesse replied

"ok" Bella finally gave in, Jesse cheered in happiness.

"let's go to my house then" Jesse said

"no, I need to finish something so I'll come over later" Bella said and Jesse nodded, she hugged him before he left then Bella got back to the girls.

*****few hours later*****

It was now night time, so Bella package two outfits and all her necessary items in a black backpack since she's not going away for too long.
She got ready and said bye to Emily and Laura before she headed to Jesse's house.


Jesse and Bella watched a few movies and talked about random things before they decided to go to sleep, so they said goodnight to each other and went to get some sleep in different rooms.

Hi guys.

I'm not okay 😢.

I was walking  along the streets of Paris at night, I went to my friends house and I was going back home, I was wearing an oversized sweater and knee high boots, then I got attacked by a group of thugs, they injured the shit out of my life.
And they cut my wrist with a sharp razor blade.

What did i do to them, I swear I've never ran so fast in my entire life.
It's just so annoying and frightening whenever I remember what happened today.

I know this might not bother you guys but I just want to warn you guys, especially ladies, do not go out alone at night, it's very risky and this might cause so many problems..

Anyway, how do you like this chapter, I'm sorry if it was boring but my feet are swollen and my face has turned red, I look horrible in general but I promise I'll make the next chapter better.... Xxxxxxxxx.

And, you can comment other things you want me to include in that giveaway (If you want me to do it), I'll try my best..

OK bye, be safe and be very careful, I love you guys so much

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