chapter 5

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Bella's POV
Sunday afternoon.

"What's this?" Emily asked, all dressed up as she came into my bedroom "why aren't you ready yet?" She asked, making me jump back into reality.

"Sorry!" I sighed "I just don't feel like going out today" i replied.

"C'mon Bella! It's Sunday, that one day of the week that we get to relax and do whatever we want to! Don't tell me you're gonna spend this awesome day cuddled up in your bed" Emily stated, taking a seat next to me.

"I know! But I just don't feel like going out" I insisted "where are we even supposed to go?" I asked.

"The mall!" Emily replied, making me raise an eyebrow.

"The mall?" I asked and she nodded "thats crazy! I have just like £70, you know that's not enough money" i reminded the excited human in front of me.

"Well, I have £80, so if I pull 50 pounds and you pull 50 pounds, we'll have £100, and that's quite enough to buy a few stuff at 'dungeon denim'! We can also do some window shopping afterwards" she said, making me give her a weird look.

"Okay, that might work!" I slightly agreed.

"Yay!" Emily cheered like a twelve year old "I'll pick an outfit for you" she offered and I nodded before she headed towards my wardrobe and opened it.

My mind was actually at a different place, I couldn't stop thinking of Cleo and what she mean by 'I'll teach you a leason'. See, I've never found myself in the middle of a feud with someone, especially one that I have no idea what it was about, so I was bound to be worried. I've heard so many ridiculous things about how horrible Cleo could get from my co-workers at the bakery, and that worried me even more, I didn't want to be involved in any of her crazy acts. Not that I was scared of her or anything like that, I just didn't want to step out of my "good girl" shoes.

"Bella!" Emily screamed as she ran back towards me, holding a black dress in her hand.

"What?" I asked my crazy best friend.

"Is this a Gucci dress?" She Asked, holding it up.

"I think so, I can't remember" I responded.

"oh my god! This costs at least £800! Do you know what I can do with that much money?"
Emily asked, sounding so dreamy as she starred at the dress like it was some kind of rare gold.

"I don't know the price actually, my brother got it for me about two years ago!" I replied.

"Wow! He must love you more than anything then, I'd kill to own a dress like this one" Emily gushed. But after she said the word "love" I felt like a massive arrow was stabbed directly into my heart. I felt pain and sorrow slowly overcoming me, I didn't even realize that a tear fell from my eye until Emily wiped it off my cheek.

"Why are you crying, Bella? Did I say something wrong?" She asked, concern written all over her face.

"No! It's nothing, don't worry!" I replied, but Emily just wasn't having it.

"If it's nothing, then why are you crying? Nobody cries for nothing, you know!" She insisted

"I don't want to talk about it" I whispered, and thankfully, Emily nodded in understanding, so I didn't have to worry about her throwing more questions at me.

"It's okay! You can tell me whenever you ready! Just know that I'm always here by your side, Okay!" She said with a soft smile across her face. I nodded my head in response and pulled her into a warm hug.

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