chapter 23

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A week later.

Bella was in her apartment, she was cleaning it because she hasn't been there for almost a week.
The paparazzi made up thier stories about her and Jesse but both Bella and Jesse refused to confirm anything, at least not that early, but they told Jesse's teammates.

On the other hand, Cleo Is about to die because of how angry she is about Bella being loved and famous all over the world, she regretted sending both Emily and bella out of the bakery but she promised herself that she'll destroy Bella's career, she doesn't know about Jesse's and Bella's relationship..

Just as Bella got into the kitchen, 4 huge, strong, muscular men with masks on thier face busted through Bella's frontdoor.
When Bella came out of the kitchen, she became startled and threw the glass cup she was holding.

"excuse me, who are you guys and who gave you the permission to come in here" Bella asked the scary looking men, they didn't answer her, they just looked at each other and started walking towards Bella, Bella became scared and ran to her room and closed the door, but hey, they were too strong so they broke the door open and got inside.

Bella was now trembling with fear, she was stuck in the corner of her room, knowing that there's no way to escape.

"please don't hurt me" Bella said as tears roll down her cheeks, the men didn't care, they got closer to Bella and started hitting her in the tummy, they beat the hell out of her as she screamed, then one of the men used his huge arm and strangled Bella until she was out of breath and passed out.

When Bella finally stopped moving, the men left the house, bella was in a critical condition, she was bleeding all over her body, she was all bruised and she passed out.

Emily heard some screams from Bella's apartment but she wasn't sure because she was cooking, when she finished cooking, she quickly headed to Bella's apartment, she saw the door wide open, she shrugged and continued walking.

"bella!" Emily called as she headed to the kitchen to check, but no response.

"Bella!" Emily called again as she walked towards Bella's room.

"bel-oh My goodness! Bella" Emily panicked and rushed to her bestfriends side, she shook Bella a little bit but Bella was not responding, Emily started crying when she saw the bruises and wounds on Bella's body, and all the blood from her nose and other parts of her body.

Emily wasted no time, she quickly called the police and also an ambulance, not less than ten minutes, they arrived, the police got inside Bella's apartment and headed to Bella's room, then they saw Emily and an almost lifeless body of Bella.

The doctors quickly took Bella inside the ambulance with the help of Emily, the police said that Emily could go to the hospital afterwards because they want to ask her a few questions.

"how did this happen and when" one of the police men asked Emily.

"I Don't know, I was in my apartment when I heard her scream but I was cooking and I wasn't sure if heard a scream or not, after I finished cooking I came to her immediately and found her like this" Emily explained as she cried her heart out..

"you heard a scream and you ignored it" the officer asked.

"I told you I wasn't sure if I heard it correctly" Emily replied.

"but I saw four strange men going upstairs" Emily said as she cried.

"can you describe what they looked like" the officer asked again.

"no, they had masks on thier faces" Emily replied.

"OK, don't worry, we'll try our best to find them" the officer assured Emily.

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