chapter 43

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Jesse was completely speechless after what his mom said, this isn't like her, she's usually very supportive, something is definitely wrong.
Jesse didn't know what to do, these two women mean so much to him, if he chooses him mum, he'll have to break up with bella, and if he chooses Bella, his mom would not take it so well.

Just as Jesse turned around to go and meet his mother, he saw Bella standing there, with tears in her eyes.

"bella i-" Jesse started but Bella cut him off

"it's okay Jesse, we're not meant to be together, I don't want to ruin your relationship with your mom, I never had a mom and I know what that feels like, don't make this mistake" Bella said as she came closer to Jesse.

"Bella, are you crazy, I can't break up with you just because my mom doesn't like you, she'll calm down soon so don't worry" Jesse replied.

"look jes, you have to understand, your mom is a huge part of your life, you have to do whatever she wants because if it wasn't for her then you wouldn't be where you are right now" bella said

"I know that, but she has to respect my feelings sometimes, I've been doing so many things against my will just to please her, but you, you're a different case, I really don't want to lose you again" Jesse said.

"but je-" bella started but Jesse cut her off immediately.

"but nothing, I'm not going to choose between you two, I'm not breaking up with you, I'm going to talk to her" Jesse said and left the kitchen to go talk to his mom, leaving Bella in the kitchen.


"mom" Jesse called.

"have you made your decision" Kirsty asked.

"no, but I need you to tell me something" Jesse said and took a seat next to his mom on the bed

"what do you want to know" Kirsty asked

"why do you think Bella is a gold digger" Jesse asked.

"a girl came to me earlier, she was claiming to be Isabella's bestfriend, she told me that Isabella told her that she's only with you for fame and money, she even showed me pictures of her and other men" Kirsty replied.

"best fr-what's her name" Jesse asked.

"I think it's Emilia or.. Emily, it's emily" Kirsty replied and Jesse groaned.

"that pussy" Jesse groaned and his mom smacked his arm

"language" Kirsty warned.

"sorry" Jesse apologized for the cursing.

"mom, Emily is lying to you, there's a huge explanation behind all of these" Jesse said.

"go on then, explain" Kirsty SAid and Jesse nodded before he started explaining the whole Emily incident to his mom, it took him like twenty minutes.

"so, the Emily girl likes you too" Kirsty asked.

"yeah, crazy right" Jesse asked.

"it's absolutely ridiculous, what has this world come to, a bestfriend cheating on the other" Kirsty asked in disbelief.

"tell me about it" Jesse sighed before resting his head on Kirsty's lap.

"well, I'm sorry I judged your girlfriend like that, thank God she didn't hear us" Kirsty SAid

"errr.. She kinda did because she was crying downstairs" Jesse said

"oh no, I feel so bad now, I judged her too quickly" Kirsty SAid

"I told you not to" Jesse said.

"it's not my fault, I was just scared that she'd turn out like the other girls you had, especially Jena" Kirsty said and Jesse chuckled.

"I think I should go and talk to her downstairs" Kirsty SAid

"let's go together" Jesse said and got his head off Kirsty's lap before the two started walking downstairs.

Bella was still crying, she thinks Jesse is going to break up with her.

"Isabella" Kirsty Said, Bella quickly wiped her tears before she turned around.

"y...yes" Bella answered with a shaky voice.

"can I talk to you for a sec" Kirsty Said and Bella nodded then followed Kirsty to the living room, joined by Jesse.

"I'm sorry for judging you so quickly, I was afraid that you were going to turn up like the others, I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings with what I said" Kirsty SAid with a smile.

"no no, it's okay, you really didn't have to apologize to me, it's your duty as a mother to protect your son" bella smiled back.
Kirsty stood up and Bella a warm hug, which Bella gladly returned.

"can I join the hug" Jesse asked.

"c'mon, get In" Kirsty said and Jesse immediately joined the hug.



Jesse and Bella have been in Kirsty's house for almost two hours, they had lunch there and Kirsty also got to know Bella really well.
(Emily, your plan failed again)

Jesse and Bella were currently leaving, they hugged Kirsty and said thier bye's before they left.
Bella didn't get to meet Jesse's siblings because they went to London for some time, but they're getting back to Manchester tomorrow.

"I almost had a heart attack, I thought I was going to lose you" Bella said.

"ooh, somebody loves me too much" Jesse teased.

"shut up" Bella replied.

"jes, the lights are green, let's go" Bella said but Jesse ignored her.

"I'm not driving this car until you kiss me" Jesse replied, people were honking thier horns so Jesse could make way for them but he didn't care.

"jes, please let's go, Ill kiss you at home" Bella said but he didn't care, so Bella quickly pressed her lips onto Jesse's, Jesse tried to make the kiss deeper but Bella pulled away.

"let's go" Bella said and Jesse nodded before he started driving 

"asshole!" one of the people yelled when Jesse started driving

"thank you" Jesse yelled back making Bella chuckle.

"Bella" Jesse called.

"yes baby" Bella replied

"I want you to promise me something" Jesse said

"what is it" Bella asked.

"promise me that you'll never leave me" Jesse said.

"I promise I'll never leave you, no matter what" Bella said and Jesse smiled.

"pinky swear" Jesse said and Bella chuckled before she stuck her pinky finger out.

"when exactly are we too old for that" Bella asked.

"never" Jesse chuckled.

"love you jes" Bella smiled

"Love you too bells" Jesse smiled at her before he continued driving back to his house.

(my babies 😢)

Hey guys.

How did you like this chapter?
Emily's plan failed again but she still won't give up.

If you didn't like this chapter, don't worry, the next one will be better xx

SCARS | Jesse lingardOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora