chapter 63

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(quick change, I've decided to change the spelling of Aaliyah's name because I want to have a nickname for her, so from now on, it'll be aleah so her nickname will be Leah, but the pronunciation is still the same, I know we could just call her liya but I find Leah a bit cooler so... Yeah xx)

2 month later

Saturday morning,
Manchester, England.

Bella's pov

I was sitting on one of the bar stools in the kitchen with a huge cup of green tea in my hands, my eyelids were closing while I struggled to keep 'em open.

Sleeping is NOT on Jesse's and my schedule right now, Jesse has to train almost every day, plus all those exercises he has to do at the gym and all those matches and stuff, everything is toooo much, and me, well, I got back to work and it's really really hard because I've gotta travel alot and I can't take Aleah with me, I have to leave her with either Marcus and Cleo or edurne and David, or sometimes Kirsty, but it's still hard, we both don't get to spend enough time with our baby girl or just have some family time in general.

It was 9:30 in the morning at that moment so Jesse was with Aleah in the living room for a while before I finish my breakfast, which I've already finished, I just need to finish up my tea.

After a few minutes, Jesse came over to the kitchen and handed Aleah to me without saying a word, his condition was even worse than mine, he has terrible dark circles underneath his eyes and that was a bit freaky to be honest, he really needed to shower, actually, we both needed to shower because we haven't done that for an entire week.

I'm not joking.

After I took Aleah from him and put her on my lap, Jesse went upstairs to take a shower, which he desperately needed at that moment.

I sighed heavily and looked at Aleah she was smiling widely and babbling some things in her own created language which I find very very funny, it makes both me and Jesse laugh alot when she does that.

Seconds later, Aleah started crying, and this is what freaks me out because when I'm exhausted, I can't do anything properly, I literally forget what I'm supposed to do.

"what is it now, Leah" I asked my crying baby, but that made her cry some more, that was when I figured out that she was hungry, so I fed her, I don't feed Leah with artificial milk because Jesse and I aren't comfortable with that idea, but sometimes, breastfeeding is kinda hard because Aaliyah bites me all the time, and then she'll look up at me and smile, showing me her cute teethless mouth.

A few minutes into feeding her, she started dozing off slowly, seeing that she's sleepy, I stopped feeding her and flipped her on her tummy so I can burp her, after she burped, I flipped her over again and started rocking her until she eventually fell asleep, after 2-3 minutes, I got up and took Leah upstairs to her nursery, I carefully put her inside the crib, hoping that she wouldn't move, thankfully, she didn't, she just stirred a little bit and fell back to sleep.


Now that I'm done with that, the next thing I gotta do is take a shower and squeeze in some sleep before Leah wakes up, I want to sleep all day long but I can't, Leah isn't a fan of that idea, if she's awake, I have to be awake, no matter what.

I felt like I'm gonna fall with every step I take to mine and Jesse's bedroom but I still managed to get there, I twisted the doorknob and opened the door, then I spotted Jesse standing infront of our full length mirror with a towel around his torso, touching his over-gelled hair, his hair is perfect, I know that but I just say that to annoy him and that works really well because if I say that, he wouldn't talk to me for the whole day, pretty childish, you can say that ;)

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