chapter 54

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Bella was now awake after 12 hours of sleeping, the doctor had to wake her up to get some milk for the baby, Bella still can't believe that she's a mum, that feeling is just so amazing, especially when she realizes that Jesse is the father.

"hey Bella, how are you feeling" the doctor asked with a smile

"hi, I'm feeling great, how's the baby doing" bella asked.

"your baby is doing fine, she just got fed" the doctor replied

"can I see her, I haven't seen her since when she came out" Bella said

"ofcourse, but she can only be out for an hour and then we have to put her back" the doctor said and Bella nodded excitedly.

"I'll go get her then" the doctor said and exited the room, leaving bella with a huge smile on her face.

The doctor returned with the baby wrapped in a white soft blanket, she was so small, the doctor gently placed the baby on Bella's lap.

"oh my gosh! She's beautiful" Bella whispered and placed a kiss on the little babies forehead which made her quiver.

"I'll get going now, I'll be back later to take the baby back" the doctor said and Bella nodded before the doctor left, leaving bella and her baby alone.

Bella was busy playing with her sleeping baby when Jesse came into the room, along with his mom, daisy, Louie, sunny and gabby George.

"oh, hey guys" Bella said with a smile.

"hi" they all said in unison before walking further into the room, everyone gave Bella a hug and a kiss on the the cheek.

"can I hold her" daisy asked.

"ofcourse, sit in front of me" bella replied and daisy nodded, she took a seat on the bed infront of bella before Bella gently placed the baby on daisy's lap.

"she's so small" daisy said while looking at the little baby in her arms while Bella was busy chatting with the rest.

"Jesse, what's her name" daisy asked.

"we haven't named her yet actually" Jesse replied

"let's do that now then" Kirsty suggested

"yeah, I actually wanted to wait until you guys get here" Bella said

"can I name her, you promised me Bella" daisy said.

"okay, go ahead" Jesse and Bella said at the same time, daisy looked at the baby for a few minutes before she finally spoke up.

"Aaliyah!" daisy said with a smile.

"I like it, Aaliyah Elise lingard" Jesse said and everyone cheered.

"she'll be the most loved baby in this world, I've got so many toys for her" Louie said with a smile

"have you eaten anything dear" Kirsty asked bella

"yeah, they gave me some soup and bread sticks about 2 hours ago" Bella replied and Kirsty nodded.

The family stayed for the next thirty minutes before they all had to leave, Jesse and gabby had training aswell so they left, Bella also had to take some drugs and sleep so the doctor took the baby back to the incubator.



Jesse was done with training and he was on his way back home, he pulled over infront of his driveway and headed to the frontdoor, it was open but he didn't mind because Amanda was there to clean the house a little bit.

Jesse's jaw dropped when he got to his living room, he was so shocked and surprised when he saw who was sitting on his couch, the one and only Emily Flores.

"Jesse!" Emily said, she looked like she was beaten up by some goons.

"you, what are you doing here, how dare you come to my house" Jesse asked in frustration.

"I know you don't want to see me again but please just listen to me" Emily pleaded.

"how did you even get out of prison" Jesse asked

"you don't care about that, I just need a minute from you" Emily asked.

"I'll listen to you because I'm in a good mood, sit down" jesse said and Emily nodded and took a seat.

"go on" Jesse said

"I just want to apologize to you guys for everything that I've done, I know I don't deserve to be forgiven but this is my last chance, I've been a very bad bitch to you and Bella but please, I'm sorry" Emily pleaded

"you're so dramatic, what do you mean by this is your last chance" Jesse asked

"*sighs* I have leukemia (blood cancer) and this is my last stage, my life is over and there's nothing else I can do, I'm really sorry" Emily said

"you're the biggest liar I've ever seen in my life, really Emily, cancer, you can do better than this" Jesse said

"I'm not lying to you, I swear, that's why I'm apologizing to you because I know I'm going to die, please Jesse, please" Emily pleaded

"OK fine, I forgive you but that doesn't mean we're friends, get that right" Jesse said

"thank you so much Jesse, and can I ask for a favor from you" Emily said

"it depends on what it is" Jesse said

"can you take me to bella" Emily requested

"hell no, no no no no no, never, There is no way I'm taking you to Bella, she just had a baby and...... Fuck, why did I say that" Jesse said

"Bella had a baby" Emily asked and Jesse nodded.

"please take me to her, I really need to see her, please" Emily pleaded

"no, you're not going" Jesse said

"but..." emily started but Jesse cut her off.

"your time is up" Jesse said.

"alright, I'll leave then, thanks again and bye" Emily said before she got herself out of Jesse's house.

"man! That girl is a criminal" Jesse said to himself before heading upstairs to take a shower.

Despite the fact that Jesse told Emily not to go to bella, she didn't listen, she was determined to find the hospital Bella was in at all costs, no matter what.

Hey guys.

I'm sorry for this boring chapter, I hate it so much, I literally didn't know what to write and I had some time so yeah, please give me some ideas on what to write next cuz I'm running out.

And do you think Emily's apology was sincere or is she planning something?

Thank you so much to everyone that suggested names, it was really hard to choose

And, do you guys want me to continue the dele alli story or should I start another one, I feel like nobody likes that one so comment what you think?

Bye guys, that's for reading, you guys rule.


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