chapter 3

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After exactly 1 hour 30 minutes, the cake was finally ready. And to be honest, I was quite impressed by what I did, that too in such a short period of time. The cake came out exactly as Marcus wanted it to; red velvet, covered in chocolate and vanilla frosting, not too big and not too small either, it was just perfect!

"Cleo! C'mon, we're gonna be late" I called out to my co-worker, who was busy doing God knows what in the changing room.

"I'm here! Let's go" she replied, suddenly appearing infront of me. I'm not gonna lie though, she did frighten me a little bit. The amount of makeup she had on her face changed her entire facial look. She looked a bit like the normal Cleo, and a lot like a busty bimbo.

I don't even know how to say what she looked like in a better way!

"Wow, Cleo, don't you think that a bit.... I don't know, too much?" I asked the blonde girl infront of me, trying my best to sound less terrified.

"Are you kidding me! We are going to deliver a cake to Marcus rashford, and we might just run into the whole Manchester United squad over there, so its only right to be equally ready for that" she replied.

"Okay" I chuckled, a bit nervously "let's get going" I said and she nodded before I picked up the cake box and followed Cleo behind to the parking lot, where we met up with nate, Mary's personal driver who was going to take us to marcus's house.


In the next 25 minutes, we got to marcus's house at exactly 7 pm. And to my surprise, Marcus's house wasn't as big as I expected it to be. I was looking forward to seeing a mansion, but all I saw was a gorgeous, modern duplex that was big enough for at-least 5 people with posh cars scattered everywhere around.

With just a few more steps, an over-excited Cleo and I got to Marcus's front door. I extended my hand to press the bell, but Cleo was quick to push my hand away and press the bell by herself. I looked at her with a confused expression on my face as I had no idea why she did that, but all she did was smile and show case her level of excitement.

After a few More seconds, the door was pulled open, revealing Marcus standing with a huge smile on his face, but that smile immediately disappeared after he laid eyes on Cleo, his happy expression changed into a terrified one within seconds. He looked like he was just about to let out a scream.

"Hello, pretty boy!" Cleo said while twirling the ends of her hair with her index finger.

"Er.....hi?" Marcus replied, but it rather sounded like a question instead of an answer. The look Marcus had on his face was priceless, if not because I didn't want to sound rude, I would've bursted out laughing.

"Sorry were late! There was too much traffic on the way!" I said, finally getting Marcus's attention as he was too busy trying to process what the heck Cleo had on her face.

"it's okay! You arrived just in time" he smiled at me "cmon in! I'll show you where to keep the cake" he added and I nodded before Cleo and I made our way inside.

"You guys go ahead, I'll wait here" she said and I nodded before I carried on following Marcus behind.

"What the heck does she have on her face?" Marcus asked, referring to Cleo as we got to his backyard, making me laugh out loud at how disgusted he was.

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