chapter 41

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Bella smiled at the very first thing she saw, Jesse's cute sleepy morning face, giving out little snores.
She took out her phone and took a picture of him and posted it on instagram with the caption: my heartbeat @jesselingard.
It immediately blew up with likes and comments in a few seconds.

Bella locked her phone and headed to the bathroom, she brushed her teeth then took a warm shower, then changed into a black romper, she curled her hair and applied light makeup.

"you look stunning" Bella heard Jesse's sexy morning voice.

"good morning baby" Bella smiled and walked over to Jesse.

"why did you wake up" Bella asked

"what do you mean by that, you don't expect me to sleep forever" Jesse replied.

"you look so cute and hot when you're asleep" Bella gushed as Jesse got up and started walking towards the bathroom

"oooh, someone can't control her hormones" Jesse teased

"shut up" Bella said before Jesse got into the bathroom, then he opened it again and threw his wet boxers on the floor.

"yuck! Can't you wash those by yourself" Bella asked in disgust..

"that's what you get for not waiting for me so we can shower together" Jesse replied and locked the bathroom door, making Bella smile

"I'm so lucky" Bella said with a huge smile, she didn't even realize that she was hugging Jesse's wet boxers, she threw it on the floor the minute she noticed it.


"I just really don't understand why you're giving up now, yeah I admit that I fooled you too but we can't let them be together, we're gonna lose him" Emily pointed out

"come back to your senses Emily, you're not gonna get Jesse, I'm not gonna get Jesse, you know why, that's because his heart is with bella, and there's nothing we can do to change that, all this is useless, Bella does not deserve any of this, you have to stop it Emily, you have to" Cleo said In a calm way, trying her best to convince Emily.

"your love towards Jesse is fake, if you actually love him then you won't stop fighting for his heart" Emily replied.

"this is nonsense, do you think it makes sense to be fighting over the same guy, a guy that doesn't even care about us, he loves only Bella, there's nothing you can do about it, just face the fucking truth" Cleo said.

"no! Jesse is mine, only mine, I'll never let them have peace" Emily said with so much anger

"do whatever the fuck you want, I'm done with this bullshit, I'm going to try and apologize to Bella, she really doesn't deserve any of this, but let me me tell you one thing, you're going to get yourself in trouble" Cleo said before she left Emily's house and started making her way to Jesse's house.


Cleo knocked on the door, after a while, Amanda opened it.

"hi, can I help you" Amanda asked

"yes, uh.. Are Bella and Jesse here" Cleo asked.

"no, they went out about ten minutes ago, but do you have an appointment with any of them" Amanda asked

"no, but please help me, I really need to talk to them" Cleo said and Amanda nodded.

"they should be back soon, c'mon in" Amanda said and made way for Cleo to enter the beautiful modern luxurious house, she took a seat on the couch while Amanda got her some fruit juice, before Jesse and Bella get back.


Jesse and Bella were in Marcus's house, Bella told Jesse to take her there so she could make things better, it's super awkward when Marcus qnd Bella meet after that incident.

"hey jess" Marcus said with a huge smile but nervousness took over when he saw Bella.

"hey marcs" Bella said.

"uh...hi" Marcus said with a nervous smile.

"why are you acting like a chicken, don't you know me" Bella asked.

"no, it's just..... I'm really sorry about what happened earlier, I really didn't mean to do that and we should have listened to you" Marcus said while scratching the back of his neck.

"it's okay Marcus, bygones be bygones, don't worry" Bella said with a smile and hugged Marcus

"can I pinch your cheeks" bella asked when she pulled away from the hug.
Making jes laugh at that comment.

"seriously!" Marcus rolled his eyes.

"c'mon, I haven't done it in a while" Bella said and Marcus finally gave in before she pinched both of his cheeks.
"ow!" Marcus said sarcastically.

"so bells, are you coming to the match tomorrow" Jesse asked

"yeah, ofcourse" Bella said

"cool, you'll have to wear my jersey!" Marcus and Jesse said at the same time.

"no she's gonna wear mine, obviously" Jesse said.

"no, she's wearing my jersey" Marcus argued.

"OK, let her choose, whose Jesse are you gonna wear" Jesse asked with a smile, knowing clearly that Bella will choose him, Bella smirked and thought about it for a few seconds before she spoke up

"I'm gonna wear Marcus's jersey" Bella said and Jesse gasped while Marcus cheered and kissed Bella's cheek.

"OK then" Jesse said and started walking away.

"where are you going" bella asked and started following him after saying bye to Marcus, Jesse ignored her and got into the car, she was fast enough and got in too, if not, he would have gotten away.

"Jesse" Bella called but Jesse ignored her and continued driving while whistling

"Jesse ellis lingard" Bella called, Jesse still ignored her.

"are you ignoring me" bella asked and Jesse nodded.

"okay then" Bella said while chuckling and Jesse continued driving back to his house.

Best couple ever, who agrees with me?


Jesse parked his car and got out of it, followed by Bella, Jesse was walking really fast, he wasn't mad at all, he was just trying to make Bella beg him. That's so cruel jes..

Just as they got into the house, they saw Cleo on the couch.

"cleo!" Jesse and Bella said at the same time.

Hey hey.

Sorry I didn't update yesterday, I'm on holidays, im In Maldives with my sister, again, that place is o gorgeous, no parents or babies to disturb me, just me and my 16 year old sister and I just wanted to rest for a while so I didn't have time, I'm so sorry xx

I hope you like their chapter,

and to all the dele alli fans, please check out my new dele alli story, "perfect" xx


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