chapter 4

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Next morning
9:25 am

"Thank you!" I said to the cab driver who took me to the bakery after paying him. I quickly got out of the car and ran as fast as I could towards the entrance door of the bakery to protect myself from the heavy rainfall. But my running turned out to be a complete waste of time as I eventually got drenched anyways.

"Hi guys! Good morning! Sorry I'm late" I said to Cleo and the stunning blonde girl who was beside her as I got into the kitchen.

"And I care about you being late because....?" Cleo replied, a bit snappy and rude if I may specify.

Honestly, I had no idea what was going on with Cleo, ever since we delivered that cake to Marcus and came back to the bakery, she suddenly went all off. She wasn't replying to my messages and she wasn't picking my calls, she would even reject sometimes. she got much worse today though, And to be fair, that was eating me up so badly, we were starting to have a pretty good relationship, our friendship was getting better everyday, just until she decided to shut me off! I assume so because she wasn't in the mood to socialize or even associate with me in any way, whatsoever!

"Damn it, Cleo! Just Chill already, will you!" The other girl snapped back at her, making me feel a bit backed up.

"Stay out of this, em! This has nothing to do with you! why are you interfering in my business? Do you even know who she is?" Cleo retorted, while I just stared at the both of them in nothing but confusion, especially Cleo.

"It doesn't matter if I know her or not! Whatever the case might be, you weren't supposed to speak to her like that when all she did was greet us" the other girl replied.

"Hey! It's fine, don't worry about it" I said, walking up close to the blonde girl.
I watched closely as Cleo hissed, angrily, muttered a few words under her breath which I was a thousand percent sure were horrible insults and glared at me before she walked away, slamming the kitchen door behind her.

"I'm really sorry about her, she tends to get a bit bipolar at times" the girl said with a soft smile across her face.

"It's okay! And thanks for standing up for me like that, that was very sweet of you!" I thanked her.

"You're more than welcome" she smiled "I'm Emily Flores" she said, bringing her hand up for a handshake.

"I'm Isabella Covington, but you can call me Bella! it's so nice to meet you" I replied, accepting her handshake, gladly!

"Same here!"

"So, when did you start working here?" I asked her as we started making our way back into the kitchen, trying to know her some more.

"About 2 years ago, when I moved here from Chicago" she responded.

"Oh! I thought you were English" I said.

"Nope! I just have the accent! I went to school here, in Manchester! It was really hard to speak back then because I felt oddly different, all of my friends were British, and sometimes I would hardly understand what they were saying at that time!" She said, making me chuckle softly "it was a real struggle" she added.

"I know right! It's really hard to adapt to the lifestyle in a completely different environment! It makes you feel so out of place!" I replied and she nodded in agreement.

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