chapter 14

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                 ~ A Month later ~
Bella was with edurne and Victoria they were helping edurne with the interior decoration for her new house, it was a massive mansion so it took hours and they're still doing it.

"do you think this looks weird" edurne asked as she pointed towards  a huge red football that was in the middle of the living room.

"it looks ridiculous, why would you keep a huge football in your living room" Victoria asked

"it. Was David" edurne replied

"you should take it to your workout room, it has lots of space and David is coming with the treadmill later on so you can squeeze the football in there" Bella suggested and edurne nodded. Bella, got back to what she was doing, trying to hang a huge photo frame of David and edurne.

Jesse and Bella got a lot more closer than before, they tell each other everything that is bothering them, they sleepover at each others house, they just got really close and Jesse's feelings for Bella got a lot more stronger, but you can't say the same about Bella because she never confessed that she loves him but she likes him..

"hello, we're here!" Jesse yelled through the hallway

"OK, now keep it down" Bella replied.

"Bella! I missed you" Jesse said and hugged Bella from behind.

"we saw each other 2 hours ago jes" Bella chuckled and continued hanging the picture

"Jesse, help me take this treadmill upstairs to the workout room" David said

"no thanks" Jesse replied and David gave him a look.

"Jesse!" Bella said and Jesse sighed

"OK. Fine, let's go" Jesse said and helped David take. The treadmill to the workout room.

"Jesse, don't you think it's time to go on a date, like just have some fun, both of you" David asked

"I know, but I don't know where to take her" Jesse replied.

"you guys could go on a road trip or maybe a restaurant" David suggested

"OK, I'll tell her now then we'll go out tonight" Jesse said and David smiled at him.

When they set the treadmill, Jesse got out of the room, David stayed with edurne and Victoria in the workout room.

"hey bells, are you free tonight" Jesse asked

"yeah, what's up" Bella replied

"I was thinking of taking you out tonight, if you want" Jesse said nervously

"sure, what time" Bella asked

"7:00 pm" Jesse replied

"OK, see you then" Bella said with a smile before Jesse left the house.



Bella was now back home, she went to get some groceries.
It was now 6:00, so Emily came over to help Isabella get ready.

"what she I wear em" Bella asked as she came out of the shower.

"hmm, let's see" Emily said and started checking Bella's closet until she found the "perfect dress", it was a
Plain white long sleeve dress that reached just half of her tights, it hugged her curves perfectly, Bella doesn't like going all extra so just that would be fine.

She wore the dress and put her hair into a neat high bun, Emily did her makeup, she gave her smokey eyes, super flawless foundation, and dark nude lipstick.. Last but not least, Bella put her black stilettos on and took her black purse from Dior.

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