-Chapter 5-

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As soon as Nat ended the cashier started arguing with the man at the front of the line. A small part of me wants to teleport really fast make the coffee, take some muffins then teleport to the tower. I look up just time to see the man's elbow coming right for my face I don't have time to move. The impact sends me to the floor my nose bleeding and a throbbing cheek bone, what's worse is that he is so absorbed in his argument that he is oblivious to the fact that he knocked me over.
Shakily I climb to my feet forgetting the coffee and the muffins I look around no one is paying me any attention I picture the broom closet in the tower lobby and teleport there.

I walk out ignoring the gasps and the looks I'm getting for the blood on my face.

"Ms Stark? Are you alright? Your bleeding" Jarvis says once I'm inside the elevator.

"Yes Jarvis I am, my cheek bone hurts too" I say leaning on the rail.

"Deep tissue bruise" He supplies.

"Thanks Jarvis" I grumble.

"Shall I inform Dr Banner you require medical assistance"? He asks.

"No no Jarvis I can handle it with a first aid kit and an ice pack" I say quickly as the elevator doors slide open.

I pause when I hear six distinct gasps from the living room.

"What the hell happened"? Clint demands shocked.

"It was an accident, a guy at the coffee shop was mad at the cashier brought his elbow up I happen to be at the right height" I explain tilting my head back slightly to stop the blood from getting in my mouth.

"Sunshine" Tony says appearing with a towel for my nose.

"Do I need to show this man my spy skills"? Nat asks examining the red mark on my face.

I glance at Thor, when did he get his hammer?

"Jarvis anything broken"? Steve asks.

"No Captain Rogers, nose bleed and a deep tissue bruise" He says.

I sigh knowing this will kick up the amount of worry and concern from all of them.

"Come sit" Bruce says pulling my arm leading me to the couch.

Clint plops down next to me, kicking his feet up on the foot stool.

Bruce kneels down in front of me to do his doctor stuff. Which is him pinching the bridge of my nose to stem the blood flow once it does he cleaned up the blood.

"Thor put the hammer away please it was an accident I was probably standing too close in line anyway" I tell him.

"What is it with Midgard men and not watching their surroundings I would never knock over such a beautiful lady" He says putting his hammer down.

"Stop making my sister blush Thor" Tony says plucking my hat off my head leaving my frizzy hair behind.

"This from the man who was shamelessly flirting with a nurse who was married" Steve says with a grin on his face.

"Sir I believe that is called a burn" Jarvis interjects.

We all laugh partly at Jarvis and the other part the look on Tony's face.

"Yes thank you Jarvis" Tony sighs.

"Your welcome sir" Jarvis replies crisply.

"Sorry I couldn't get the breakfast. As soon as I got off the phone with Nat the guys in line went crazy" I say looking around the room at them.

"Its alright as it turns out Steve makes a mean waffle" Clint says slouching down on the couch to look me in the eyes.

I look over at the super solider himself.

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