-Chapter 40-

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Mia point of view

Slowly the world comes back into focus starting with sound, I can hear Steve and Bruce whispering back and forth then the hushed voices of Thor and Ash though I can't make out what they are saying.

I open my eyes and see the ceiling of my room, that's good at least its not a Shield medical facility or a hospital.

"Morning sleepy head nice of you to join us"

I turn my head to see Clint in a chair with his feet propped up on the corner of my bed.

I sit up and lean against the headboard. I tilt my head at them when I notice that they are staring at me.

"Right. What the Phantom idiot told me" I mentally face palm.

"Uh yes you left us with a pretty big cliffhanger there" Nat says sitting down on the other side of my bed.

"I did didn't I"? I ask sheepishly.

"You bet you're sparkly behind you did" Clint quips, using the word 'behind' since Ash is in the room.

I nod.

"So what did he have to say"? Steve asks cautiously.

"More like what he didn't want to say" I say carefully.

"What do you mean"? Thor asks confused.

"Well let's just say he was less than willing to share information with me. So I took it" I tell them ducking my head as if expecting some kind of backlash.

"Took it how"? Bruce asks being the first one to speak after a few moments of silence.

"The same way I calm Tony down from his nightmares but instead of pushing away bad dreams, I pulled out information" I explain picking a spot on the wall to stare at.

"What did you get"? Clint deadpans, his voice even.

"Phantom wants to take us out- The Avengers. Next on his to do list is to uh get rid of Tony and I" I list.

"Is that all" Bruce scoffs clearly not liking where this is going.

"What else" Nat gently prompts.

I take a deep breath, this is the mind boggling bit. If what I got was right Phantom is Jerry Richards ex Stark Industries employee, fired by yours truly.

"If what I got from the henchmen was right, then I know who Phantom is" I say feeling my hands tremble a little.

You could cut the tension in here with a knife, I almost feel guilty for not realizing it sooner it all makes sense now. How Phantom got into the tower he knew the systems or knowing about Tony's connection to Afghanistan.

"Who is he"? Ash asks.

We all jump slightly as if remembering that she was still in the room.

"Jerry Richards" I state.

Suddenly all the air in the room is heavier and hard to breathe.

"Your ex bodyguard"? Steve sputters in complete and utter shock.

"It makes sense" Nat nods, I can see the wheels turning in her head.

"All the phone calls you kept getting"? Clint asks his eyes wide.

"Oh my god" I breathe blinking slowly.

Then Ash is there with her arms around my body her head laying against my chest.

"Just breathe" She whispers.

I do, until my heart stops flipping in my chest.

"This is bad" Thor declares.

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