-Chapter 63-

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Unfortunately in the middle of trying to get Tony and Steve unstuck the team got called to a report of AIM causing a ruckus in Boston so everyone went except for us and Bucky he's not quite field ready yet.

"I have an idea" I say clapping my hands purposely making sparks.

"What is it doll"? Bucky asks carefully standing next to Tony the magnetic fields are messing with the joints in Tony's suit so when I do separate them it's mostly likely Tony's going to hit the ground hard.

"I'm going to carefully heat the disks and hopefully melt them enough that we can pull you two apart" I explain gathering a small amount of heat to my fingers.

"Man that's going to fry all the work we did" Tony gripes sounding out of breath still.

"Tony you are stuck to Steve's arm. You would rather that than Mia melting them a little"? Bucky asks.

My brother let's out a disgruntled sigh, tinkering and making things is how he unwinds when things are stressful and things have definitely been stressful lately so hearing I have to melt one of his new creations isn't easy for him to just go along with.

"Fine you two win" Tony grumbles.

I put one hand on Steve's arm and the other on the disk connected to Tony's chest and slowly minute by minute I increase the heat until I feel the bond start to let go.

"Bucky" I say when I hear a pop.

I wait for a thud I know won't come because I see Bucky holding Tony up the suit spitting sparks, Bucky's metal arm wrapped securely around Tony's middle.

"Friday scan the armour" Steve orders beating me to the punch I don't know everything about Tony's armour but I do know it's not supposed to be sparking like this.

"Joint failure detected also the arc reactor housing in the armour is dented considerably I recommend repairs be made immediately" Friday lists quickly.

"The housing in the armour or the actual housing in my chest"? Tony demands pulling the face plate off to breathe better.

"The housing in your chest boss" Friday replies.

"Damn" I mutter, it's going to suck trying to fix the housing.

"What does that mean" Bucky and Steve ask at the same time.

"It means that the chamber that holds the wires and the reactor itself is dented. It could cause other problems if it isn't fixed" Tony explains trying to get his feet under him but they slide out.

"How does it get fixed"? Steve asks pulling the arm guard off and puts it aside then joins Bucky holding Tony up.

"We or more accurately me will take the reactor out but not completely and then carefully reform the housing while making sure nothing else is damaged" I explain.

"Take the reactor out? Doesn't he need it to live"? Bucky blanches.

"Not completely snowflake just enough to fix the damage, then Mia will pop it back in and I will be all good" Tony says looking up at Bucky from where his head is on the soldiers shoulder.

Bucky tilts his head at the new nickname but doesn't argue with Tony, I can tell by the tiny smile pulling Bucky's lips up that he approves of the monicker.

"Are we doing this now or"? Steve asks sounding nervous but he's trying to hide it.

"Yeah, ideally I'd wait for Bruce but he's busy. But first we have to get the suit off" I say rolling my sleeves up.

I undo all the manual latches on the suit then Steve and Bucky get him up on the bed Tony keeps in the lab, Tony clumsily pulls his shirt off Bucky looks away I guess he kind of has shared experience waking up with a new arm and Tony waking up with the car battery attached to his chest.

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