-Chapter 35-

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I'm sitting on the couch its nine thirty in the morning when I hear Bruce and Thor arguing.

"What is it this time boys"? I ask putting my tablet down.

"I think it's a good idea to get his arm x-rayed just to see how its healing. Mr prince over here doesn't think so" Bruce says crossing his arms.

"I am a demigod and don't need the rays of an x to tell me how I am healing" Thor explains waving his good hand around.

I squint at the way he said it I guess he's slipped back into the more Asgardian way of speaking.

"Thor that robot managed to not only break your arm but fracture your collarbone. That is not something to be taken lightly and getting it looked at won't make you any less of a warrior" I say hoping to convince him that way we don't have to force him to go.

"Really"? He asks.

"Yes really" I say.

He and Bruce leave I'm sure there will be a story when they come back either good or another personal injury claim.

"Did you get your dress yet"? Pepper asks while making a fresh pot of coffee.

"No not yet. I will though it's on my things to do list" I tell her pushing my hair out of my face.

"Mia you don't have to do everything by yourself you know that right"? She asks leaning on the island.

I sigh of course I don't have to, but I feel like I have to.

"I want to do this for her, the whole thing was done by someone else when my parents died. It was very awkward and uncomfortable I don't want that for Ash" I explain setting my tablet aside.

Now it's her turn to sigh, ever since Ash's parents were killed the mood has become light on the surface but sad and somber underneath.

"Do you want me to get you a dress? Because I really don't mind" Pepper offers.

"That would be great Pepper thank you" I say.

"Where is Thor I thought he would be the first one in the kitchen" She asks looking around for Thor.

"Bruce took him to the hospital to get x-rays of his arm to see how its healing" I say getting my own cup for when the coffee is ready.

Steve point of view

I shuffle into the kitchen to see Mia and Pepper already up, that's funny usually Thor is one of the first people in the kitchen.

"Uh where is-"

"X-rays" They tell me at the same time.

"Got it" I say opening the fridge wondering what I want for breakfast this morning.

"Happy feels bad about yesterday, Tony told me that Happy was very emotional about it" Pepper says to Mia.

"Why is he feeling bad"? I ask confused.

"He was really worried about having Ash there, we didn't know it was Shield right away" Mia says moving to sit down at the table.

"Let's hope that Thor's arm is better I don't think he is going to last much longer without playing his video games" Pepper says.

"Yeah Clint is missing his gaming buddy" Mia adds.

"Captain Rogers"? Jarvis asks politely.

"Yes Jarvis"? I ask looking up at the ceiling.

"Sir requires you in the lab" He says.

I wonder what Tony needs in the lab since I thought he was sleeping still.

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