-Chapter 39-

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The air is tense as we stare at the compound all of us holding our breath waiting to hear more shots.

"Jarvis talk to me" I ask him.

"Scanning now Agent Barton" He replies.

"I have multiple stationary heat signatures cooling fast, deceased. As well as a mobile group of hostiles I count five in the group" He reports a minute later.

"The hostages"? Steve asks, his eyes glued to the windows too darkly tinted to actually see in.

"I have lost visual but none of my heat analysis shows any of them match the cooling signatures" Jarvis says.

"Can't we just go in and end this? I don't like Mia being on her on in there unable to use her powers" Thor asks the annoyance dripping from every word.

"Not yet. We don't know where everyone is, if we go in hot civilians could end up in the cross fire" Nat growls.

"Hawkeye"? The police sergeant ducks in next to us.

"What do you got"? I ask keeping my bow at the ready.

"We think we've found a door that isn't wired" He pants, trying to catch his breath.

"Where"? I demand cautiously standing up to get the floor plan for the compound.

"Here" He points to a service door around the west wall.

"This could work. Jarvis any hostiles near there" I ask.

"This entry is clear Agent Barton" He states.

"What are we waiting for"? Thor asks.

Mia point of view

I toke down all the guys in the lab except for bald guy I wrapped him in the wall saving him for later, I stole a gun off of Jack and a magazine.

"Where does the CEO of Stark Industries learn how do all of that"? Lindsay asks nervously as we sneak through the hallways.

Uh good question, think where does mild mannered Mia learn how to kick ass and use a gun?

"I have a really good self defense teacher" I say checking another door, damn it's wired too.

Luckily they don't question it, I stop when I hear voices I tell the techs to stay low. I inch around to the corner and peek around four heavily armed Phantom idiots. As quietly as I can I click the safety off and load a round in the chamber, then I step out from my hiding spot.

I managed to shoot two of them before discovering that the magazine I took off of Jack's body was for a 45 caliber not the 9 mill I grabbed.

"Oh is the little princess out of bullets" One of the two remaining idiots sneers.

I rush the smaller of the two, I got him down only to feel something tear past my arm jerking me to the side with the impact.

I look at the bullet wound on my arm then up at the guy holding the gun, ok that's it. I bring my hand up my light glowing around it.

His hands fly up the gun falling to the floor.

"Honestly these guys are so weird, I just wanted some quick cash" He rushes out.

I tilt my head at him and knock him out, I curse and press my hand over the hole in my arm as the blood seeps through my fingers. I haul myself up and painfully hold the gun in my injured hand.

"Let's keep going" I grumble, we keep moving hoping to find a door that isn't rigged.

Again I find myself stopping but this time in relief as a tremendous clap of thunder rattles the compound.

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