Chapter 5

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"Leave me alone, Miko" The golden mech scowled, having just awoken from a terrifying recharge to see the organic femme entering the cave he was residing in.

"Why?" The black and pink haired femme questioned, her arms crossed as she stood firmly in place glaring at the golden mech resting against the cave wall.

"Because I said to" he growled before he changed his color to blend in with the shadowy corny resulting in Miko throwing her arms in the air with a groan of annoyance.

Once she had left the cave, Entropy exhaled and returned to his natural colouring.

"I thought I might find you here" The familiar voice of the Autobot's medic declared making Entropy sigh in annoyance of having company again.

"Leave me in peace, for the love of my sanity" Entropy muttered quietly, Ratchet only just hearing and resisting chuckling at the large mech.

Entropy watched silently as the white and red mech sat down a few metres away from Entropy, his back struts resting on the same wall so they could comfortably talk to the other.

"What do you want, Ratchet?" Entropy growled, his optics glaring at the wall opposite him.

"To check on you...Optimus and I saw your fight with Megatron yesterday" The Autobot Medic quietly admitted, Entropy sighing lightly.

"I am unharmed" He muttered to Ratchet, still not looking at the smaller mech who noticed the quieter tone of the golden mech.

"Physically, that may be true...but mentally..." Ratchet trailed off, not wanting to anger the mech.

"My sanity is not something to be tried, Ratchet...and attempting to control me just because of my creator is an abhorrent idea" Entropy spoke, his voice an exhausted tone making Ratchet worry about the mech.

"I saw" Ratchet sighed, the fight from yesterday lingering in his processor as he noticed Entropy's neon purple optics looking at him from the corner of his vision.

"Entropy...Optimus told me a very long time ago that when Unicron created had no free will...How do you have it now?" The white and red medic hesitantly asked making the golden mech stiffen.

"I uh...developed it during my banishment from Cybertron...I'm not sure if there was a cause or if I just obtained it..." Entropy trailed off.

He knew very well how he obtained his own free will but he did not want to relive his past just to have the medic pity him.

"Based on the scars you have...I can only guess..." Ratchet breathed, his suspicions becoming larger about the mechs origins.

Entropy exhaled, his processor faintly running over some memories that made the golden mech want to curl into a ball and roll into magma.

"It appears you're treading on thin ice, medic" An annoying voice called from the entrance of the cave, Ratchet's optics widening and shooting towards the seeker before he got to his pedes and adopted a defensive pose.

"What do you want, Starscream?" Ratchet growled, his blades appearing as he and the Decepticon seeker glared at each other.

"That is none of your business, Autobot" The high-heeled mech returned with a sneer before looking at Entropy as he exhaled with an optic role.

"Leave, Decepticon, least you wish to be missing your wings" He snarled, Starscream's optics widening before he spluttered in fear, quickly running for the exit when he saw the twitch in Entropy's servo.

"Good riddance" Ratchet breathed, his blades sliding back into their hidden place before he looked at the exhausted mech still resting against the cave wall.

"If I am ever to join those scrapheads, It will be my offlining" The golden mech murmured with closed optics.

"What about joining the Autobots?" Ratchet asked him, returning to his previous spot sitting against the cavern wall as Entropy thought about it.

Betray me, Entropy, and you will spend eternity in agony with me

That statement alone gave the gold mech nightmares each time it surfaces in his processor.

With a noticeable shiver, Entropy came back to his senses.

"I do not know...M-my creator may not be so find I sided with a Prime" He muttered with scared optics towards what could happen.

"Oh, puh-lease. Unicron's been dormant for thousands of eons, Entropy. He cant harm you" Ratchet stated with an optic roll, Entropy finding the mech rather amusing as he spoke.

"You have heard of the prophecy that foretells his return, correct?" The golden mech asked Ratchet who simply nodded.

"If he returns and discovers I am sided with a Prime...He would break me" Entropy muttered with a broken voice.

Ratchet sighed and turned towards the golden mech who's purple optics were dimmed and distantly looking at the ground.

"Why did you come to Earth? It's terrible" Ratchet breathed, Entropy's dermas curling into an amused smile as he huffed a small laugh.

"You just haven't seen the views" Entropy smirked, a mischievous glint streaking across his neon purple optics making Ratchet pale.

Before Ratchet could do anything, Entropy placed a gentle servo on his shoulder plating and transversed them both to the cherry blossomed valley with the river running along the valley's floor.

"This is where I landed...Amazing isn't it?" Entropy spoke as Ratchet observed the scenery in front of the pair.

"Its definitely breathtaking but it is not like Cybertron's beauty" The Autobot Medic returned making the golden mech nod with a hum.

"Cybertron was indeed beautiful...but it is gone..." He murmured before exhaling deeply and resting a servo on Ratchet's shoulder plating again and transversing them both.

Only this time, they both appeared in the Autobot's base scaring the pits out of Everybot and organic being in the area.

"Entropy" Optimus breathed, his previous fright being shaken away when he noticed Ratchet by the large mech side as he removed his servo.

"Optimus. I was just returning Ratchet safely" Entropy stated before stiffening when Miko began singing a song about the pair sitting in a tree.

Both mechs stared at the organic femme as she finished the song and erupted into laughter, Jack and Raf laughing quietly as well.

Entropy allowed an optic ridge to rise in question of the femme's action but waved away his curiosity, discovering that he didn't really care all that much.

"That is quite enough, Miko" Optimus spoke, though his tone held a slither of amusement which made Entropy even more confused of the song.

"Is there anything we can assist you with, Entropy?" The Prime questioned with a soft expression making the golden mech think.

"Not currently, Optimus, but I appreciate the gesture" He returned before going to transverse, only to remember something and turn to the three organic beings.

"Before I leave, you three should be careful when venturing in the woods. Starscream visited my cave so he will hang around for a little while" Entropy informed the three, observing the two mech's scared expressions as Miko cheered.

"Well, this is goodbye for a while" The golden mech declared, turning to the Autobots as they stood together.

"Why is that?" Miko questioned, voicing the Autobots and organic being's thoughts as Entropy paused for a second.

"Because...I have a suspicion that the Decepticons aren't the only...beings eager to get a hold of me" 

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