Chapter 14

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"It's just missing something" The golden mech murmured as he examined the device in his servo with his intuitive aptitude ability.

"Are you finished yet?" Cliff jumper questioned, repainting some spots of his frame red as it was smudged off.

"Don't rush me and maybe I can get it completed" Entropy replied, ignoring the amused look from Ratchet as he stood at the computer.

"I need something...that can project a voice" Entropy stated aloud, finally figuring it out.

"I've got just the thing!" Miko shouted, leaping from the couch and for her bag.

"It's a speaker, it makes music and stuff" She explained, excitedly passing the tiny device to the golden mech as he examined it.

With a small shrug, Entropy turned to Cliffjumper and picked up the other device he'd already made.

"Now, I don't know how to operate on a Cybertronian...but you can't see him..." Entropy wondered looking at Ratchet who deeply exhaled.

"I'll walk you through it" The white and red mech spoke as he moved for the medical berth where Entropy had ordered Cliffjumper to lay.

"This isn't going to hurt, is it?" Cliffjumper asked making Entropy huff in amusement.

"Considering the fact that you're already offline, I think you'll be just fine" He mused, Ratchet snorting in laughter beside him.

"Oh yeah, forgot about that" Cliffjumper awkwardly laughed, Entropy shaking his head before he began the process, complying with Ratchet's demands.

-Time Skip-

"Try it out" Entropy spoke, curious and partially anxious to see if the device would work.

"So, just speak? Wait, is it working? Hatchet?" Cliffjumper questioned before grabbing at his helm after a wrench hit it.

"Don't call me that!" Ratchet yelled, glaring daggers at the red painted mech who was both struck with fear and excitement.

"That answers that question" Entropy mused before turning and cleaning the workspace.

"Ratchet, can you get 'Cee to come here?" Cliffjumper asked, Ratchet nodding in now wonder as he too realised he could hear the red mech just fine.

After a good few minutes, Arcee walked into the area practically fuming.

"What, Ratchet, is so important that I had to get here immediately?" She questioned, glaring mainly at Entropy as he crossed his arm with a smirk.

With a nod from Entropy, Cliffjumper walked up to Arcee carefully knowing she was already enraged.

"Hey 'Cee..." He spoke, trailing off as Arcee stated at the visor wearing mech.

"I think we'll leave you two alone for a bit" Entropy stated, walking past Arcee and giving her a friendly Pat on the back and placing a servo on Ratchet's shoulder.

With a transverse, the pair landed atop a mountain ridge overlooking the bay to the icy ocean.

Not only that, but when the pair looked up towards the night sky, they were amazed by the large streaks of light that played in night sky

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Not only that, but when the pair looked up towards the night sky, they were amazed by the large streaks of light that played in night sky.

"By the Allspark..." Ratchet muttered as he stared at the lights.

"Rafael informed of these flying lights in the sky called the Aurora Borealis. Upon further research, I managed to find a suitable spot and here we are" Entropy explained, sitting on the ground and watching Ratchet as he stared up at the lights.

"This is...spectacular, Entropy" Ratchet returned, glancing over at Entropy with a soft and amazed expression.

"The least I could do to calm your nerves, not everyday that your thrown into a situation like ours" The golden mech muttered with a sigh, Ratchet slowly pulling himself away from the view and joining Entropy's side.

"Agreed, not everyday that an offlined bot is declared somewhat, not as offline as we thought" Ratchet added making Entropy huff in amusement.

"The least I could do...Arcee is pretty stressed about the whole thing" Entropy muttered with a distanced look.

"Did you...Did you really mean it...when you told her she could offline you?" Ratchet questioned eorriedly, moving closer to the golden mech who exhaled awkwardly.

"I did...but she would never be able to offline me let alone scratch my paint" Entropy replied causing Ratchet to think.

"My wrench dented your armour" he pointed out, Entropy coughing in partial fear.

"Y-yes, well...Your wrenches are alot denser than an Energon blast" The gold mech answered before blushing somewhat when Ratchet chuckled at him.

"I'm still curious about how you can see the offlined" Ratchet spoke curiously, Entropy smiling a small bit before he hummed.

"Well, I've got eight abilities in total. Transverse, Mass displacement, colour change, Enhanced senses, Intuitive Aptitude, Intangibility, offlined vision and Energon sense" The golden mech listed boredly, his servos behind his helm as he observed the aurora borealis.

"Offlined vision not only allows me to see but hear and touch the offlined but only if they have been exposed right before their offline or any time afterwards" Entropy explained, Ratchet piecing everything together.

"Arcee had claimed Cliffjumper to be 'leaking' dark Energon when his signature came back online" He wondered aloud, Entropy clicking his glossa.

"I assume, from the name, that Energon sense is like an in-built Energon sensor?" The CMO asked with a raised optic ridge.

"Pretty much except depending on how much energy I have, it can go much farther than a normal scanner" Entropy explained further with a bit of a proud smirk on his face plates.

"It's why I am a good tracker...because I can sense where everybot is, if I wanted to" He distantly spoke, the previous expression disappearing as quick as it came.

"Could you track the Nemesis?" Ratchet questioned hopefully causing Entropy to sigh, the plates making his armour relaxing and showing some of the scars he had acquired.

"Perhaps...not currently however" The golden mech answered, watching the floating lights.

"Why's that?" Ratchet asked confused.

"Need much more energy than I have currently...which to track the Nemesis would be, perhaps, an amount of Dark Energon" Entropy explain with a discontented expression.

Ratchet made a hum of understanding before he returned to gaping at the floating lights.

"You know, Entropy-" Ratchet began before the golden mech silenced him, sitting upright quickly.

Ratchet immediately noticed how the white ring in his optics appeared as the golden mech held a servo over Ratchet's intake and had his other on his own with a sign to stay quiet as he listened.

"Decepticons" He heard the bot almost whisper before he too began to hear the Decepticon ship.

"Stay down" Entropy ordered the CMO  as he grew larger, a lot larger than he normal was.

Once at his desired size, he quickly moved in front of Ratchet and curled around him, changing his colour to match their surroundings.

"Entropy..." Ratchet whispered, Entropy placing a reassuring feather-light kiss on the medics cheek before shushing him.

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