Chapter 18

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A week had past and the Autobots had not seen Entropy at all, much to Ratchet's worry.

"He's probably gone and gotten himself offlined" Ratchet grumbled as Optimus conversed with the CMO about his disappearance.

"We should continue our search for him" The Prime stated making Ratchet almost choke.

"Of course we continue the search! For all we know M.E.C.H has him tied up in their basement!" Ratchet exclaimed in worry, his optics wide.

Optimus sighed, seeing his old friend so distressed was making him irritated with Entropy, before getting to his pedes and walking over to Ratchet.

"We will find him, Ratchet. He's a strong mech"

-PoV Focus Change-

"28 shards of dark me...well, an extremely long period of time for sustenance" The golden mech muttered to himself after counting each shard of dark energon.

Not only had he collected the shards, he had located the deepest Decepticon mine he could find, placed said dark energon in it and then collapsed a good portion of the tunnels.

That way he could enter with his Intangibility but it prevented others from finding it.

And the depth stopped any scanners from discovering it as well.

With a small accomplished smile, the golden mech resurfaced, his signal immediately popping up in front of Ratchet who called for Optimus.

When a tingle went up his spinal strut, Entropy paused feeling like something was watching him.

Almost jumping out of his armour when a groundbridge appeared a few metres away and the entire Autobot team came running out, a white, green and red mech with them.

"Entropy! What did you think you were doing?! You've been gone, completely radio silent, for a week!" Ratchet growled as he neared the golden mech who was now perked up, his senses going haywire.

"Ratchet, I'm really sorry and I have a good reason as to why I've been gone for the past week but I really need all of you to stay exactly where you are" Entropy returned, his voice almost panicked.

"What is wrong, Entropy?" Optimus questioned, pushing in next to Ratchet and observing as Entropy looked around with wide optics.

"Decepticons" The golden mech answered before stepping forwards as something was thrown at his back plates.

Spinning around, the Autobots and Entropy noticed a proximity bomb on the ground.

Entropy quickly pushed Ratchet back into Optimus before growing larger and bracing for the impact.

As planned, the bomb exploded covering the Autobots and Entropy in smoke.

Whilst the Autobots groaned, Ratchet now panicked that Entropy took the blast, said golden mech stood to his pedes beyond pissed that Ratchet and his friends could have been offlined.

"Show yourselves! Before I cut down every tree in this forest and impale you all with them!" Entropy snarled, the purple in his optics leaning towards a maroon-ish colour.

As the smoke cleared, one-by-one the decepticons stepped into sight, having completed a circle around the group of Vehicons with the officers littered within them.

"I'm not at all surprised that you sensed us, creation of Unicron" The Decepticon Warlord declared as he too stepped out of hiding and looked up at the golden mech.

Entropy bared a few incredibly sharp dentae with a growl.

"What do you want, Buckethead?" He growled, Bulkhead and Wheeljack sharing an amused glance before looking back.

"Your cooperation" Megatron answered before a group of the Vehicons split off and began to attack the Autobots.

Entropy immediately moved to protect Ratchet, shrinking to his normal size, whilst the others defended themselves.

"Entropy! On your 6!" Optimus called out, having spotted Dreadwing moving behind the group.

Entropy spun to attack the blue and yellow mech but was cut short when Megatron blasted him in the back before being tackled by Dreadwing when he cried out.

"It appears that despite your recovery, you're still extremely weak" The Warlord mused before gesturing to Soundwave who separated the group from Ratchet, several Vehicons grabbing him and pinning him to the ground.

Entropy snarled at the sight, throwing Dreadwing off of him before Megatron shot him again causing him to fall to his pedes clutching at his side that was now leaking a mix of dark and normal energon.

"Ratchet! Entropy!" Optimus yelled as he and the others continued trying to fight back the Decepticons.

"No..." Entropy muttered, having turned to see Starscream with his arm and missile pointed towards Ratchet who was slowly tiring.

"Now that we have your proper attention, and a bargaining chip, I'll now offer you a position with the Decepticons" Megatron spoke, walking up to Entropy and crouching in front of him.

"I am never joining your side, Megatron. I haven't even joined the Autobots" Entropy returned before spitting some fluid onto Megatron's face plates making him enclose Entropy's neck in a clawed servo with his cannon at his helm.

"Starscream, show our friend here what will happen if he doesn't cooperate" Megatron drawled, Entropy's optics growing wide as he watched Starscream kick Ratchet around before going to hit him with his missile.

"No!" Entropy yelled, transversing in front of Ratchet and taking the missile.

"Entropy!" Ratchet exclaimed, watching the golden mech collapse on his front, coughing more energon up onto the ground.

Before Ratchet could seal his wounds, he was dragged away by some Vehicons whilst Megatron approached Entropy again.

"Seems like I was right, you do have a soft spot for the medic" The Decepticon warlord observed before grinning.

"Starscream, bring the Autobot Medic to the Nemesis...I'm going to teach our friend here some manners" Megatron ordered, Ratchet struggling again to get to Entropy.

Entropy stayed still and silent, his wounds draining him again of his energon.

"Yes, Lord Megatron" Starscream returned before he ordered the Vehicons to drag Ratchet to the groundbridge Soundwave had opened up.

Ratchet and Entropy shared a last glance, both mechs scared and worried for the other before Ratchet was pulled through the groundbridge.

"Now...for you"

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