Chapter 24

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"Proceed with caution" Optimus spoke, himself, bulkhead, Arcee, Bumblebee and Entropy all walking out of a groundbridge to a mouth of a mine.

"And please, for the love of Primus, be safe" Ratchet begged in Entropy's audio receptor making a smile play on the golden mechs dermas.

The group then entered the mine, the sounds of a fight getting nearer before they each looked over the edge to see an Insecticon and the Decepticon Warlord dueling.

"Finnish him!" The sickeningly familiar voice of Arachnid ordered, Entropy's Energon beginning to boil.

"Woah. Screamer never mentioned Megatron" Bulkhead stated.

"It would seem Starscream orchestrated the convergence in the hope that all his enemies would destroy each other on his behalf" Optimus returned as the group continued to watch the duel.

"Ugh, and I fell for it" Bullhead groaned, Arcee and Entropy glaring daggers at Arachnid.

"Well you can have whatever's left of Megatron, Arachnid's mine!" Arcee exclaimed, jumping over the edge and transforming into her Alt Mode, leaping for the 8-legged Decepticon Rogue.

Entropy growled as Optimus called for Arcee, watching the two-wheeler tackle Arachnid.

"You" The neon-purple opticed femme growled before she looked past Arcee and caught Entropy's sight.

Both bared their dentae at the other before Arachnid called an Attack on Entropy, 3 more Insecticons appearing.

Entropy snarled before transversing down on a lower ledge, hopping not to injure the Autobots whilst he fought.

Before the closest Insecticons could lunge at the golden mech, he brought his dark Energon blade out and sliced one of its arms off.

The Insecticon howled in pain whilst the other 2 Insecticons leapt at the golden mech who growled at them.

Whilst Entropy attempted to escape their clutches, the third Insecticons joined it's brethren and began trying to offline the golden mech.

"Entropy!" He heard the Autobots yell in distress, Ratchet also calling for him through his comms.

Entropy cried out in pain when one of the Insecticon's clawed servo dug deep into his faceplate, tearing the metal in 3 streaks over his right optic.

With an enraged snarl, the golden mech swung his sword up, slicing one of the Insecticons in half before he threw another one into a rock wall and bashed the last Insecticons to the ground.

Before the Insecticon on the ground could recover, Entropy used his blade to distinguish it's spark before he was tackled by the remaining one.

Transversing before he hit the ground, Entropy threw the dark Energon blade at the Insecticon, lodging it in its processor offlining it instantly.

Clutching at the wound on his faceplate, Entropy surveyed his surroundings.

Noticing that Arachnid and Arcee were now missing, he turned to observed Optimus spare Megatron.

"Congratulations in defeating three of those vermin" Megatron called, noticing the golden mech walking over.

"Appears I am lacking in the skill I once had" Entropy returned, moving his servo to show the three long streaks over his right optic as the wounds bled dark Energon.

Megatron and the Autobots all stared at the wound in horror.

If 3 of those creatures could do that to the creation of Unicron and Arachnid can control them, what would an army do to him?

"Return to base, Entropy. Have Ratchet repair you whilst we search for Arcee" Optimus rostered, Entropy sighing in reluctance but complying and transversing to base.

"Entropy? Where are the others?" Ratchet questioned the golden mech upon his entrance.

"Searching for Arcee" Entropy answered before exhaling and pulling the servo resting on his face plate away.

Ratchet gasped before dragging the taller mech to his medical bay, readying his tools and began cleaning the dark Energon away with upmost carefulness.

"What did this to you?" Ratchet questioned, concerned and angry as he finished cleaning the wound.

"Insecticons, Starscream mentioned their was a number of them but when we arrived, only 1 was attacking Megatron" Entropy began explaining, hissing when Ratchet hit the wound too hard.

"Arachnid ordered another 3 to attack myself. Fortunately, I was able to defeat them but not without injury" The golden mech sighed, observing Ratchet as he seal the 3 long streaks with sealant before he began welding the wounds.

"Unfortunately...I cannot prevent the scars but I have repaired the wound" Ratchet sadly informed Entropy who nodded in understanding.

"I am sorry, Entropy, I know how much you dislike you're scars" The CMO apologised as he finished up.

"Ratchet, it is alright. I am more upset that it happened than the backlash" The golden mech returned, grabbing Ratchet and pulling him onto his lap in an embrace.

"Besides, I'm glad I was sent to return. I would much rather being in your company than burying Arachnid 6 pedes under along with her Insecticons" Entropy mused, resting his helm on Ratchet's shoulder plating as he chuckled at the golden mech.

"What is your history with Arachnid, if I may ask?" Ratchet questioned, curious of the pairs previous history.

"None too kind, I can tell you that" Entropy answered with a throaty growl, sighing afterwards.

"Do you ever recall myself stating that Decepticons and I do not get along? Well, Arachnid is one of the main reasons for that" The golden mech continued before moving Ratchet to one leg so he could move some of the plates around his spark.

"Quite a few of the scars over my spark are due to the femme's claws" Entropy spoke, showing a nasty group of scars right over his purple and blue spark, parts of it showing through the exposed metal.

Ratchet stared, mesmerised by the unique colours of the golden mech's spark.

"The last time we met, she had ambushed me in my hiding place in the Andromeda Galaxy. Her and her army of Insecticons attacked me but I managed to defeat nearly all of them, believably offlining her as well" Entropy growled, coiling his plates back to their normal residence.

"Hearing of her being online and seeing her today has brought back painful memories" The golden mech muttered, burying his helm back into Ratchet's shoulder plating.

"If you wish to speak about them, you know you can always come to me" Ratchet returned, subconsciously leaning into Entropy's frame.

"Ratchet, we require a groundbridge" Optimus's voice cut through the comfortable and loving atmosphere, both mechs sighing.

Ratchet jumped off of Entropy's lap and quickly activated a groundbridge, Entropy standing to his pedes.

"I will be in my berthroom if anybody needs me" He declared before leaving for some needed recharge.

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