Chapter 22

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"Does water not cause rust?" Entropy questioned, Ratchet humming to his side as he cleaned several tools and placed them in their correct places.

"Naturally but if dried properly, it does not" He stated making Entropy 'Ah' softly before he turned to the oldest organic beings.

"Shadow and Light did it all the time! You'll be fine!" Sam exclaimed with a wave.

"Extremely therapeutic" Carly added, Miko jumping in about how much fun the activity would be.

"I'm sold" Both wreckers declared, Miko jumping into Bulkhead's alt mode before the two mechs drove out of the base.

"Yeah, I could do with some relaxing" Arcee agreed, also transforming and allowing Jack to hop on before they too left base.

"Come on, Raf! Let's go splash the others!" Bumblebee whirred, the youngest child hopping into his guardian's alt mode and leaving base.

Optimus, without a word, also transformed and followed after.

"Will you be accompanying?" Entropy asked Ratchet who sighed.

"I will inevitably be forced to if I don't" The white and red mech spoke before watching Entropy nod and transform to his bipedal form.

"Woah! Dude, your alt is cool!" Sam exclaimed before opening the door for Carly who thanked him and climbed into the cab.

Once both adults were strapped in, Ratchet rolled his optics before transforming into his alt form and driving with Entropy after the others.

-Time Skip-

"Have you never seen water before? It's awesome!" Miko questioned the golden mech as he stood at the shoreline of the large lake.

"I do not believe so" He muttered, holding a servoful of the relatively clear liquid in a clawed servo.

"It's not going to hurt you!" Jack yelled as he bobbed up and down in the water.

"Yeah! You'll be alright, Entropy" Raf added as he splashed at Bumblebee who was returning with a controlled splash that soaked the young male.

Entropy gave the Autobots each a glance, observing as they kept themselves afloat in the body of water.

Looking for Ratchet, he spotted the CMO giving him a reassuring look as he floated on the water's surface.

With one last look at the water in his servo, the golden mech decided to transverse under Ratchet, his pedes resting on the lake's floor as he looked up with a grin.

"Where'd he go?" Miko questioned, speaking every Autobot's and human's thoughts.

Before anyone could investigate further, Ratchet felt a strong arm wrap around his midsection which pulled him down into the lake's body, a terrified and surprised yell announcing his distress.

"Ratchet!" Everyone yelled in panic.

Entropy held the panicked mech under the water with a grin before calming him with a small kiss to his cheek, Ratchet's optics opening to discover Entropy grinning at him.

Ratchet's panicked expression soon turned to a glare whilst Entropy decided to show the CMO was safe to the others.

Once resurfaced, Ratchet whacked Entropy on the top of his helm with a wrench that left a small dent above his right optic as his grin turned into a laugh.

"You are right, this is fun!" He exclaimed with a hearty laugh before shrinking to Ratchet's height so he wouldn't drown the humans.

"Ack!" The golden mech let out after being pulled under water by Bumblebee who was laughing under the water at him.

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