Christmas Special!!

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"5 more days till Christmas!! Oh My Primus!" Miko exclaimed randomly, jumping up from the sofa as she games with Jack and Raf.

"Till what?" Smokescreen questioned confused, none of the bots having heard of this 'Christmas'.

"You guys don't know what Christmas is?!" Carly returned in surprise, the Autobots from their reality knowing exactly what Christmas was.

A day off to rest.

"Would you be able to explain this Christmas?" Optimus asked curiously, a hum from Entropy.

"Christmas is awesome! You get presents and candy and food and soft drink!" Miko quickly answered.

"Sounds relatively like a celebration" Ratchet stated.

"It is, but we use it as a day to give family and friends gifts. Even taking time off from work to be with the ones you love for the day" Jack explained, his Mum in mind.

Entropy hummed in thought, his optics resting on Ratchet as he continued working.

"And where would one procure these 'Gifts'?" He questioned the 5 humans.

"The shops, Entropy" Sam laughed, the golden mech raising an optic ridge at him.

"The shops..." He echoed confused.

"It depends on what you're looking for, Entropy. Let's say you were trying to get a laptop for Raf, you would have to go to a store that sold laptops" Carly explained after whacking her boyfriend on his head as he laughed.

"Oh..." Entropy muttered in realisation.

'What would Ratchet want?' He thought to himself before Miko started yelling again.

"I know what we should do for the bots first Christmas! Secret Santa!" She exclaimed excitedly.

"Secret Santa? What's that?" Bulkhead questioned making his charge sigh.

"We each put our names in a hat and draw one out. Whoever's name you pulled out, you have to buy them something whilst they try and guess who their Secret Santa is" She explained before clapping her hands together.

"Now...Who has a hat?"

"I don't think the bots need hats, Miko" Raf told her with a smile after everybot looked at her weirdly.

"Well, we don't have one either" She returned before humming.

"Can you write on the flat white tile and place them upside-down and pick that way?" Entropy theorised, the humans looking at him before Jack chuckled.

"Paper? You mean Paper?" He asked, receiving a nod from the golden mech making everyone laugh lightly.

"So, is everyone doing it?" Sam asked as he continued laying sprawled on the sofa.

"I believe so" Optimus spoke, glancing over his team.

-Time Skip-

"Your turn Smokey" Miko grinned, said bot nervously chuckling before carefully pinching a piece of paper much too small for his size.

"Hey Docbot! It's your turn" Sam yelled, laughing as the mech scolded him before he too grabbed a piece of paper.

"By the Allspark" He muttered as he saw who he got before sighing and returning to his place.

"Entropy!" Carly called, said bot transversing in front of the group and shrinking to grab one, politely thanking the humans before he return to his spot.

"Hmm" He hummed, reading Ratchet's designation on the slip.

-Time Skip- (Three days to Christmas)

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