Chapter 8

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-Several Days Later-

"Entropy!" A faint yell sounded, Entropy's head slowly raising from between his servos as he laid on the ground curled in a ball.

"r-ra...t-chet...?" A small croak leaving the golden mech's vocal processor as his dulled purple optics slowly searched the ruined surroundings around him.

"Pay attention when I am speaking to you!" His creator's voice boomed before a blinding pain engulfed Entropy making him grit his dentae together to deny the cry of agony trying to escape him.

"Entropy! Wake Up!" Another panic-stricken yell, Entropy's optics opening from being tightly shut.

"You're my creation! I created you...and I can destroy you in more ways than you believe" Unicron's low growl startled Entropy at first, his processor focusing on where Ratchet was, but he soon recovered.

Lowering his helm to his creator before transversing away...His surroundings going from ruined Cybertron to....

A lake

"Primus...fragging...sake" Entropy growled as he dragged himself out of the absolutely freezing water and onto the dirt.

Once completely out of the water, he laid on his back, checking his internal clock and groaning when he noticed it was between 1-2am.

With a frustrated and somewhat pained groan, his previous pain from his night terror still haunting him, he stood up and transversed back to the Autobot base, soaking wet.

"Primus, Entropy!" Ratchet's exclaim covered in concern and worry as the small mech paced over to the golden mech who shrunk to match the medics height.

"First, you were practically screaming whilst you recharged! Then, you suddenly transverse and come back absolutely drenched!" The CMO scolded with both concern and frustration.

Entropy flinched at the medics, somewhat, sudden outburst making the white and red mech exhale before calming himself.

"What was happening, Entropy?" He asked, his previous frustration completely disappearing as the golden mech's frame tensed.

"It was...nothing, Ratchet...Just another night terror" Entropy answered, being honest with Ratchet and yet still withholding the complete truth.

Ratchet could tell there was something else but decided to leave it for the sake of Entropy's sanity.

"Well, if that is all it was, you had better go dry off before your armour starts to rust" He suggested to the golden mech who simply nodded, walking back to his berthroom, shutting the door and sitting against it with a sigh.

Entropy sighed as he attempted to calm his erratic sparkbeat, caused not by his night terror...but something else.

And whatever it was, was making Entropy lose his sanity because it was becoming really frequent.

The golden mech ran over every possible cause to the erratic sparkbeat, nerves and tingling feeling he felt but came to only one conclusion that threw him for a huge loop.

"But...I shouldn't be" He murmured to himself, his optic ridges furrowed above his neon purple optics.

As Entropy thought more about it, he found himself thinking about Ratchet a lot and when he did that, his sparkbeat would pick up.

"Primus....what am I going to do?" He muttered with a defeated tone, succumbing to the fact he was crushing hard on the white and red mech.

After a few minutes, Entropy decided to lay on his berth not daring to close his optics and allow another night terror grip him.

After 2 hours with his thoughts, Entropy began tingling, the metal on the back of his neck plating feeling tingling.

Several scenarios ran through the golden mechs processor as he silently ran out into the hallway and slowed down to a stop in the main area.

He glanced at Ratchet's back plating as he tinkered with the holoform projectors before his gaze turned fully to the partly broken red mech leaning relaxed against a wall with his optics shut.

Entropy recognised the slight purple glow around the Cybertronian's spark, the glow showing through the mechs chassis plating.

With a low growl, startling both mechs in the room to immediately look at him, the red mech's optics widened with major surprise and intense fear.

"Entropy? What are you doing? Why'd you just growl at the wall?" Ratchet questioned as he placed the holoform projector back on his workbench and stepped forwards.

Ratchet's statement only confirmed Entropy's strong suspicion. 

"You can see me?" The red Autobot asked making Entropy slowly nod before watching the red mech cheer at his answer.

"Entropy?" Ratchet called, Entropy looking at him with apologetic optics.

"I apologise, Ratchet...I...just don't trust not have another night terror" The golden mech muttered, keeping a dull optic on the horned mech as he did a few punching motions in the air during his excitement.

Ratchet sighed with understanding before he motioned Entropy over to his workbench.

"I've finally completed all of the holoform projectors and now I just have to fit them to the others" The CMO stated before he obtained a expression of thought.

"But...where are you going to fit it where it will be hidden in the bipedal form but visible in the alternate form..." Entropy spoke, voicing Ratchet's thoughts aloud making him hum.

"It would be different for everybot as we each have different alt modes...I'd have to trial it on myself before I-" Ratchet wondered aloud before Entropy cut him off.

"Trial it on me, if anything goes wrong it will not harm me whilst you could be majorly injured" The golden mech stated before relaxing his plates, "And it would be more easier for you do".

"But it could go terribly wrong and harm you or worse offline you" Ratchet stressed, his optics wide and concerned as his processor came up with every worst scenario.

With a sigh, Entropy walked up to him.

"Ratchet" He spoke, said mech still ranting.

"Ratchet" Entropy spoke louder, his tone amused as he watched Ratchet stiffen and turn to him.

"Even if it did harm me, nothing but dark Energon can offline me" Entropy sighed, giving Ratchet a stern look.

Ratchet exhaled before looking at Entropy.

"Do you even have an alt mode?" He asked the golden mech who only grinned.

 Ratchet stepped back as Entropy transformed into his very large and armoured alternate form.

"Well then...I see you've been busy" Ratchet observed as Entropy let a small chuckle escape him.

"Can't use my transverse ability to go everywhere" The golden mech mused, his engine purring lightly as he sat idle.

"Let's get started, shall we?"

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