Chapter 43

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"Besides the others rescuing Nurse Darby and Agent Fowler, losing several pieces of Predacon remains, nothing happened yesterday after you left" Ratchet informed Entropy who nodded.

"And whilst they were all occupied on their own missions, I was here attempting to create an artificial energon source" The CMO added with a frustrated glare towards the pile of scraps.

Entropy gave Ratchet a sympathetic look before shivering slightly.

Ratchet chuckled at the golden mech as he groaned and let a servo trail his face plates.

"Quit fighting it. It'll only result in more discomfort for you" Ratchet informed the golden mech who sighed.

"I'd much rather stay where I am and assist you" He stated before feeling a servo rest on his shoulder plating.

"Entropy, we need you in top fighting condition at all times. If you're distracted during a battle, it could result in serious consequences" Optimus spoke, giving the slightly taller mech a pointed look.

Entropy firmly clamped his jaws together, turning to Ratchet and giving him a nod before transversing to a random location.

"Onyx, I swear you did this just to get back at me" The golden mech muttered as he stood and looked over a wide forest.

Entropy stayed still, soaking in the morning's sun before transforming to his dragon-like form and took flight, instantly feeling better.

Several hours passed before Ratchet commed him.

"How are you feeling?" The CMO questioned receiving a series of roars and noises making the younger Autobots and humans laugh at his totally done expression.

"In English, Entropy" Ratchet muttered, the golden dragon pausing before quickly transforming to his normal form, transversing back to the base.

"I had said something along the lines of, much better now that I have wasted half my energy" Entropy growled, returning the pointed look to Optimus making the Prime shrug unnoticeably.

"Top fighting condition, my aft" The golden mech grumbled as he placed himself next to Ratchet with an irritated look.

Ratchet quirked an optic ridge at his counterpart before turning to his monitor when it began to signal an energy signal.

"Optimus!" Ratchet called making the large Prime move to his side and observe the monitor.

"It's the same occurrence as when Sam and Carly entered our dimension" The CMO stated making said humans look up.

"It must be one of the bots" Carly spoke, Sam and her both turning to Entropy.

The golden mech exhaled silently before turning to Optimus who was observing him calculatingly.

"Does it say what faction they are of?" He questioned Ratchet who in turn shook his helm.

"Come on, Optimus, you gotta let us go!" Sam called, grabbing Carly's hand and walking over to Entropy's pede where he picked them up and placed them on his shoulder plating.

 "You may accompany us, but you stay with either Entropy or I" Optimus agreed, the pair nodding quickly as Entropy gave a single nod to the Prime to show his gratitude.

"Watch yourself out there" Ratchet spoke to Entropy who turned and gave him a nod with a smirk.

"Everyone else, stay here unless I give further instructions" Optimus stated before Entropy transversed the selected group to the site.

Immediately, he passed the pair of humans to Optimus and allowed his energon sense to survey the area.

"Is it clear, Entropy?" Optimus questioned as Entropy allowed his optics to trail the bushland surroundings.

"There's two signatures on our 6, 100 metres out" The golden mech informed him before transversing, with Optimus, Sam and Carly, closer to the signatures.

"I said, that there's somebot hear so stay alert" A voice spoke as the 4 hid behind some cover.

"Hmph" Another voice grunted as Sam and Carly looked past Entropy's pede to see two very familiar bots.

"Light! Ratchet!" Sam exclaimed, ditching their cover with Carly flat at his ankle.

"Sam, Carly, No!" Both Entropy and Optimus called, observing them run to the two mech's.

"Sam! Carly! Oh my primus, you're both alright" The taller, pure white mech exclaimed in relief, surprising the two hidden mechs by transforming into a human and embracing the pair.

"Yeah, your god, or whatever, sent us here" Sam returned before punching the stranger's elbow.

"Entropy! Optimus! You can come out now, they're both Autobots!" Carly called back making Entropy groan at them blowing their cover.

"Optimus?" The yellow and red mech muttered as Entropy and Optimus stood out from their cover.

"Greetings, as you've just been informed, I am Optimus Prime and this, is Entropy" The Prime introduced, the human transforming to a much larger form, roughly just shorter than Optimus.

"Scrap, you're tall" The white mech gaped before turning to his partner.

"Uhm, anyway, we have no idea what is happening because we know Optimus Prime..." The mech trailed off as Carly chuckled.

"Seeings though you both know Sam and Carly, you must be from the same universe, which means Primus has sent you here for some reason" Entropy spoke as he picked the two humans up in a careful servo.

Both mechs turned to one another before the smallest one sighed.

"Unfortunately for us, we were both discovered by Cemetery Wind and offlined" He muttered making Sam and Carly gasp.

"No way" Sam drawled in surprise before the white mech nodded his confirmation.

"But, Light, you're like undefeatable!" Sam exclaimed with a confused look.

"Seriously? Undefeatable? I'd like to think I am but as you have seen, Shadow can mop the floor with my frame" The white mech grimaced, the mentioned designation ringing a bell for Entropy and Optimus.

"Shadow, as in the one sparkmated to Optimus?" Entropy questioned making Sam and Carly laugh at his curiousness.

"Yeah, Entropy. This is Light, her twin brother" Carly introduced, the pure white mech doing a simply nod towards the pair.

"Concerning your statement, Samuel, Light only offlined because Lockdown extinguished my spark" The yellow and red mech grumbled before Light gently nudged him.

"You are both sparkmates" Optimus concluded making the pair nod in confirmation.

"My designation is Ratchet, for your information, and I am the Autobot's medic" The yellow and red mech stated making both taller mechs freeze.

"Two Hatchets?!" A feminine voice shrieked behind the group.

"Miko!" Entropy scolded, turning to see the young human groan and retreat from her own cover.

"Miko, how long have you been there?" Optimus questioned, crouching to converse with her better.

"I ran through the groundbridge after you guys! There was no way I was gonna miss this!" She exclaimed making Entropy and Optimus both exhale.

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