Chapter 23

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"I noticed something yesterday whilst we were all in the lake" Ratchet stated, he and Entropy the only beings in the base.

The Autobots were all out on missions , the children were attending school and Sam and Carly were out doing couple stuffs.

"Hmm?" Entropy hummed, turning to Ratchet and walking over to him.

"When you shrunk down, you were a lot more...playful, excited" Ratchet explained, Entropy realising what he had discovered.

"But when your at your normal height, you're like this" The CMO added.

"You're wondering if their is a correlation between my height and the connection to my emotions" Entropy spoke with a sigh.

"Is there?" Ratchet asked carefully, curiosity guiding him.

"You are correct, as per usual...the smaller I am, the more sparkling-like I become..." Entropy trailed off, his expression becoming distanced.

"And when you grow larger than you are right now?" Ratchet questioned, carefully walking up to Entropy and looking up at him.

" is why I will never use the ability to grow past my normal prevent the risk of hurting someone I care about" Entropy muttered, Ratchet's internals becoming putty.

"Like I told you during Unicron's awakening, you could never hurt me, Entropy" Ratchet confidently stated before pulling the golden mech down and placing his dermas on his own.

"Ratchet...what are we?" Entropy asked, shrinking to just under Ratchet's height and sitting down on a crate.

"What do you mean?" The CMO asked, confused on the question.

"Well, we both care for each other, we act like Sam and Carly but..." Entropy trailed off, his optics looking down at his pedes as his digits fiddled with each other.

"I forget you do not know much about Cybertronian way of life" Ratchet muttered, scolding himself.

"I'm sorry" The small Golden bot muttered, Ratchet almost seeming to recoil back.

"Entropy, you have nothing to be sorry for. It's not your fault, alright? It just means I'll have to explain a lot of things to you, that's all" Ratchet assured him, bringing him in for an embrace.

"Heard you call me a sparkling yesterday" Entropy mumbled amused, almost in laughter.

"Uh...M-my apologies" Ratchet stuttered, his cheeks going blue as Entropy laughed lightly.

As Entropy laughed, Ratchet stared at him, falling even deeper in love with the golden mech.

"Primus, I love you" He muttered, Entropy pausing blushing blue.

"W-Wha-what? Y-you do?" The golden mech stuttered, his blue blush deepening whilst Ratchet too began blushing.

"U-Uh, Yea-ah, of c-course I do" He stumbled, clearing his throat and trying to fix himself.

"I...I love you t-too, Ratchet" Entropy declared, his sky-blue-ringed neon optics staring lovingly at Ratchet's cyan optics.

Both mechs leaned forwards subconsciously before connecting their dermas.

After a short while, the pair seperated with relieved expressions.

"And to answer your question, I guess you could say that we're courting" Ratchet stated, answering Entropy's question from before.

"Courting?" Entropy asked, never having heard the term previously.

"Hmm, you know how humans 'date' one another? Well, courting is a more...objectiveal term" The CMO explained, Entropy's optics lighting in confusion still.

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