Chapter 30

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"Entropy, I need you in the main room for a debrief" Optimus spoke through his comm system, receiving an "Understood" in return before Entropy transversed next to Ratchet.

"Now we have everyone here, allow me to get started" Agent Fowler growled before sighing and beginning his announcement.

"At 16:30 hours, a satellite was stolen from a High-Security millitary vault. Surveillance shows the Decepticon known as Breakdown at the scene" The human informed the group.

"Haven't seen him in a while" Bulkhead commented surprised.

"It looks like Breakdown entered the base in vehicle mode with someone behind the wheel" Fowler continued, the Autobots all being taken back at the information.

"A Decepticon paired with a human?!" Ratchet questioned confused and surprised.

"And I have a pretty good hunch who. The stolen satellite was project Damocles" Fowler added making Optimus hum lightly.

"Invented by Silas" The Prime stated.

"I guess the former Colonel Bishop wanted it back" Agent Fowler returned before everybot and human turned to Bumblebee.

"Didn't Silas, you know...offline?" He shirred, Arcee repeating it.

"Yeah, so did I" Fowler returned before Entropy tapped a pede in thought.

"Decepticons and M.E.C.H working together...It doesn't make sense..." The golden mech muttered.

"Agreed, I doubt Megatron would entertain such an idea!" Ratchet agreed before Jack made himself and Miko known above them.

"Why not? The human-bot alliance works for us" He commented with a smile.

"Most of the time" Arcee grumbled.

"Agent Fowler, if you do not mind my asking...What is Project Damocles?" Entropy questioned, not recognising the name from anywhere.

"Damocles is a particle beam cannon so powerful it can slice up the Pentagon like a birthday cake. It'll give everyone at Mount Rushmore a mohawk, all from a satellite in orbit" Fowler continued, Miko snickering a bit.

"It's the work of a madman and in Megatron's hands is a threat to anyone, anywhere on the planet" He concluded, Entropy humming in understanding.

"Do the Decepticons need anything to activate it?" Optimus questioned grimly.

"The cons can't use it without the interface codes. The only existing copy is stored on the secure servers at headquarters in Colorado" Fowler answered, reading from his own mission information.

"We must keep the code out of Decepticon hands at all costs" Optimus stated before he turned for the base's exit.

"It's real time I-" Bulkhead began as he pounded his fists together.

"-Have not cleared you for active duty nor are you ready to roll" Ratchet finished making the green bot pause with a strain.

"Entropy, stay in base untill we call for you. We do not know what to expect and cannot risk you being... compromised" Optimus spoke, having turned back and now giving the mech an apologetic and caring look.

Entropy went to argue before he left Ratchet place a servo on him making him sigh and nod.

"Understood" He assured before he transversed back to his berthroom.

-Time Skip-

"Entropy!" Ratchet called through the mechs comm system, Entropy recoiling at the volume.

"What is it?" He returned, his voice sleepy from having just been awoken from recharge.

Ratchet kept back the urge to be amazed at the rare sound and quickly went back to what he was after.

"I believe Bulkhead is in trouble, I need you to go and make sure" The CMO answered as Entropy groaned and transversed next to him.

"Where is he?" The golden mech asked.

"Jasper, Nevada. I had him curb-side duty at Rafael's house" Ratchet replied, Entropy nodding and transversing right outside.

Entropy quickly transformed into his alt form and followed the sounds of struggle, metal-on-metal and pain-filled groans.

Upon reaching the edge of the large drain, Entropy sped up and crashed right into Breakdown as he went to swing at Bulkhead.

"We meet again" Breakdown's frame grinned as Entropy returned to his bipedal form, standing over Bulkhead protectively.

"Touch any of the Autobots again, Silas and I will dismantle you and leave Megatron to deal with you" The golden mech growled, his servos clamped into fists.

"Oh? Haven't you heard? Megatron and I are acquaintances" Silas chuckled before groaning when Entropy lunged at him, tackling and pinning him.

"Even I know that is a pile of slag" Bulkhead stated as he got to pedes again and ran at Silas, said mech having bashed Entropy in the helm and kicked him off.

Entropy groaned quietly, watching Bulkhead land a few good hits before he was bashed away.

Deciding enough was enough, Entropy transversed behind the pieces together mech and roundhouse kicked him.

Silas laid on the ground in pain before looking up and firing at Bulkhead with a powerful missile.

"Bullhead!" Entropy called, only just transversing the mech away in time.

The pair then watched as Silas escaped through a groundbridge, Bulkhead turning to see the satellite falling out of the atmosphere in flames.

"Looks like somebody's big plan just burnt up in re-entry" Bulkhead mused as Entropy stared at the place Silas was just at.

"Let's return to base" He muttered, placing a light servo on Bulkheads shoulder and transversing them back to base.

Immediately, Ratchet checked both mechs over for any wounds, finding many scratches on the pair, mainly Bulkhead.

"Ratchet, we require a groundbridge" Optimus called through the comm system to which Ratchet quickly bridged them back.

"By the way, Entropy, how did you know it was Silas and not Breakdown?" Bulkhead questioned, remembering how Entropy immediately referred to the blue mech as Silas.

Entropy hummed lightly as he stood next to Ratchet, his arms crossed over his chassis.

"No Energon was present in his system...and Breakdown was more...together when I last saw him" The golden mech answered, the Autobots all staring at him in amazement.

The Autobots all began to say their good night's and turn for their berthroom untill the computer received an comms call.

"Samuel? What does he want at this hour?" Ratchet questioned before he answered it, the Autobots all listening in, Entropy having a very bad feeling about it.

"What is the matter, Samuel? We're all going to berth" Ratchet grumbled.

"Ugh...S-Sorry Ratch...But t-theres an massive m-metal spider chasing after Carly and I! S-So I would really appreciate it if we could h-have a hand!" Sam yelled over the call as he ran through a forest.

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