Chapter 12

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"I can transverse you down there...b-but...I will not be able to fight...alongside you all" Entropy spoke, answering Optimus's question of if thr golden mech could help them force Unicron back into stasis.

"That is understandable, Entropy. Keep watch on Ratchet, who knows how badly the dark Energon affected him this time" Optimus sighed deeply, Entropy glancing over his shoulder to note that Ratchet was still in recharge in the medical berth.

"Can you even transverse down there?' Arcee questioned incredulously making the golden mech hum.

"Youngling's play" He quipped before dropping his servo in front of him and ordering the others to join services with him.

As soon as the last bot connected the contact, they had landed inside of Unicron's internals.

"This is where I leave you...Remember Optimus...U-Unicron is a sadistic controlling scrapfrag so...keep an o-optic open" Entropy tiredly spoke, Optimus nodding once in slight amusement before watching with his team, plus one, as he transversed back to base.

"Entropy!" Miko called as soon as she and the other organic beings spotted him return.

"Yes, Miko?" Entropy returned, an optic ridge perked as he calmly walked over to the raised platform.

Casting a quick glance over at Ratchet, he looked up at her patiently as she grinned.

"Can you show us your holoform? The bots showed us theirs!" She asked with an elated smile whilst the other three, Raf, Jack and his Mum, all rolled their eyes but stepped closer in interest.

Entropy went to decline but remembered what Optimus had said the previous day and frowned.

"Fine...B-But only if you promise wake Ratchet up for at least 10 human hours" He bargained, Miko agreeing to those terms.

Not having much choice now, Entropy transformed into his Alt Mode and activated the holoform.

Stepping away from the alt mode, he turned to the four organic beings who all looked down upon him.

"Woah..." All four trailed off, having immediately noticed the hundreds of scars cutting across his body.

Entropy sighed before climbing the stairs and deciding to introduce himself to the four properly as he realised he hadn't conversed much with the children and adult.

"My designation is Entropy...Sole creation to Unicron...Supposed epitome for destruction" He listed tiredly, June's eyes widening.

"Y-You're with the Autobots, right?" She asked, the three children turning to her confused as Entropy recognised how she grabbed onto Jack's upper arm protectively.

"Correct...I would never harm a-any of them...including the youngling's and yourself" the golden haired male assured allowing her to sigh in relief.

"Now, I must make sure undisturbed by your enevitable ruckus, Miko" Entropy mused making the black and pink haired girl pout.

Without a seconds notice, Entropy deactivated his holoform, transformed into his bipedal form and moved back to Ratchet's side.

Gently, he picked the smaller mech up and transversed into his berthroom, carefully resting him in his berth.

With a sigh of contempt and exhaustion, the golden mech went to move for the door before being stopped by a servo grabbing onto his own.

"Stay" A low voice mumbled causing Entropy to turn and look at Ratchet ad he sleepily looked up at him.

"Please?" He tried resulting in Entropy losing his resolve and collapse on the chair he pulled over from the CMO's desk.

Ratchet pouted lightly but refrained from saying anything before he fell back into recharge, his servo tightening around Entropy's servo.

With a sigh, the golden mech allowed his own exhaustion to claim him forcing him into a much needed recharge.

-Time Skip-

Both mechs recharged peacefully, not a single minute of disturbance from Miko or the other organic beings.

However, when Entropy was shaken awake by the yellow and black scout, he immediately knew something was wrong.

The light and barely concealed drops of fluid running from the scouts optics were more than enough to inform Entropy that something had gone majorly wrong.

Without even letting Bumblebee say anything, the golden mech latched onto him with a servo and transversed them out into the hallway where they wouldn't be disturbed.

"What happened?" Entropy asked, Bumblebee's attempt at holding his fear and sadness back failing as a Riverway of fluid leaked from his baby blue optics.

"H-H-He didn't ev-even re-recogn-nise us..." Bumblebee cried, crumpling into Entropy who caught the young mech and lowered him to the ground.

"It's alright, Bumblebee...But I need you to tell me what happened down there, alright?" Entropy tried again, reassuredly tightening his grip on the scout as he looked sparkbroken.

"Op-Optimus...He we-went into Uni-crons spar-sparkchamber...with Megatron bu-but we go-got seperated and when...and when we go-got through... He di-didnt recog-nise us!" Bumblebee cried, burrying his helm into Entropy's midsection.

"The Matrix...He must have used that like the Primes did" Entropy muttered to himself before realising exactly what had happened.

"It going to be alright, Bumblebee. We'll get Optimus back" Entropy promised, Bumblebee attempting to reign in his crying.

After a moment of silence, in which Entropy took to plan, Bumblebee sniffled all his tears away and moved away from the golden mech.

"I-Im sorry...I should have been more stronger..." Bumblebee muttered, beating himself up about the whole situation.

"It's alright, Bumblebee, even bots like Optimus and I have our moments...It's good to let it all out once in a while" Entropy spoke, Bumblebee nodding before he watched Entropy stand.

"Come on, we better go start planning to get Optimus back" the golden mech stated, offering the small scout a servo in which he took and stood to his pedes.

"Go back to the others...I'll awake Ratchet and join you all in there" Entropy informed the young mech who nodded and left quietly.

"Scrap..." Entropy mumbled, a servo running over his faceplate before taking in a deep breath and transversing back to Ratchet's side.

The Good Bad-Guy {TFP Fanfic}Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum