Chapter 15

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"Scrap..." Entropy murmured before quickly unrolling from Ratchet and hastily, yet gently, placing a servo on the mechs shoulder and transversing him back to the base where he scared the pits out of the three children.

"Entropy!" Ratchet yelled worriedly through his comms, Entropy glaring distasteful at the Cybertronians ship before transversing onboard, an Energon blast hitting where he previously was.

"It's alright, Ratchet" He muttered through his comms, glancing down a few gloomy halls.

"I just have to find the right room" He spoke to himself, having shrunk to his usual height.

"Are you on board the Nemesis?" Ratchet questioned him, searching for his signature on the computer.

"Affirmative" The golden mech answered before clutching at his spark as it began to whir painfully.

With a pained groan, Entropy fell to his knee plating still clutching at his spark.

"Entropy? What's wrong? Tell me" Ratchet questioned worriedly, the children listening from the platform.

"Rat-chet...I'll bri-ng Opti-timus back-back" The golden mech groaned painfully, attempting to get back to his pedes.

He almost succeeded...had it not have been for the active Energon canon pressed against the side of his helm.

"It appears we have a stowaway" The surprised voice of Megatron laughed before Entropy almost cried out at the pain of his spark.

"And in pain? How thrilling" The gunmetal grey mech grinned before bashing his canon over Entropy's helm, putting him in stasis.

-Time Skip-

"Megatronus? Who is that?" A familiar voice asked distantly, Entropy coming back around from his quick stasis-lock.

"Unicron's creation, Orion, but do not fret. We are all perfectly safe" Megatron replied, Entropy groaning and attempting to grab at his spark before he realised he couldn't.

Weakly looking up, he noted that he was chained up to the side in the control room of the nemesis.

No, not the room entirely dedicated to bots that are chained up and tortured...The control room where Megatron would be able to see the mechs pain everytime he was present in the room.

Besides, Orion rarely left his own dedicated room so the chance he would happen across the golden mech was slim.

"Why have you chained him up?" The blue and red mech asked confusedly, Megatron holding back a sharp-dentaed smirk.

"So we can keep an optic on him. The last I saw of him, he was assisting the mad Warlord Ratchet in reviving Unicron" He lies, Entropy waking up more and now glaring blindingly hot daggers at the mech.

"That's a lie..." He growled, his voice laced in pain.

"Is it? Or are you trying to deceive us? Creation of Unicron" Megatron returned, facing Entropy with a smirk.

"Ratchet is no Warlord, Megatron...And you were there...when the Autobots we-re attempting to place Unicron...back into Stasis" Entropy growled lowly, his optics brightening venomously.

"Oh? Is that so?" Megatron feigned, Orion confusedly looking between the two large mechs.

"Does not matter anymore, trespassing in enemy territory is not the wisest decision" The gunmetal grey mech mused, Entropy holding back a groan from the pain.

After a while of interrogation, Megatron lost interest in the gold mech who was borderlining consciousness.

Meanwhile, Ratchet, who if he had hair would definitely be bald by now, was trying to locate Entropy and plan a rescue mission.

Whilst he had complete faith in him bringing Optimus back, as he promised, he was incredibly worried about his wellbeing.

"But what could hurt Entropy? He's invincible!" Miko called behind him making him glance over his shoulder to see the three humans chatting to each other.

"I don't think he's invincible, Miko, Just really strong armoured" Raf returned, Jack humming his agreement.

"Did you see him when he came back and Buckethead was here? He had that huge hole in his chest!" Miko exclaimed.

"Yeah, he didn't even look like he noticed it" Jack commented, Miko looking at him.

"That's not what I was pointing out. I mean, what could have skewered him like that?" She stated with her arms in the air.

"Dark Energon...Miko your a genius!" Ratchet exclaimed as he ran down the hall way for Entropy's quarters.

"Did Ratchet just call Miko a genius?" Jack asked confused and slightly fearful.

After a minute or two, Ratchet returned mumbling to himself as he began Typing on his computer.

"Whatcha doin, Docbot?" Miko questioned, being surprised when Ratchet didn't scolded her for the name.

"Entropy is comprised of dark Energon which means he needs to consume it to keep his Energon levels up" Ratchet stated.

"So?" Jack asked not understanding what he was getting at.

"Whilst he's been at the base, have you seen him consuming dark Energon at all?" Ratchet returned, all three children muttering a no with realisation.

"He's starved himself! And if he doesn't get dark Energon soon, he's going to offline" The CMO spoke worriedly, glancing at the computer as it continued to search for the golden mech.

"But he had Energon a while ago" Miko pointed out.

"Hypothetically, he can consume normal Energon but it doesn't sustain him for very long" Ratchet muttered to himself before logging it in a medical file he had previously created for Entropy.

"How long does he have, Ratchet?" Raf worriedly asked as he stood against the railing with Jack and Miko at his side.

"Based on his usual size and his abilities, I'd guess a few days at most, so, maybe, 3-4 days" Ratchet answered, hoping that he was, for once, wrong.

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