Chapter 6

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4 days later, Entropy was finally beginning to relax in his new residency.

An abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of Jasper.

It was early in the morning when he feared his suspicions of another being planning on getting a hold of him, were correct. 

He stayed resting on the ground, curious as to what the 'hidden' organic beings would do next as they stayed silent in their supposed hiding positions. 

"Do it now before the robot decides to wake up" A voice ordered over a crackly comline making the few organic beings in the warehouse quietly sneak out of their places and join each others sides at the golden mechs side.

Silently, the supposed 'leader' handed each of his teammates several devices before they split up, moving around Entropy as he continued to "recharge"

Resisting the urge to growl a warning at the organics as they placed the several devices in various places over his frame, he waited their next move.

Expectedly, he didn't have to wait long before the "leader" began a quiet count down.

Entropy smirked when the organic got to 0 before he suddenly disappeared resulting in the group exclaiming different phrases of panic.

After a few minutes of struggling to contain his amusement, he decided that now would be the best time to make a stealthy retreat.

However, this would have worked if one of the organic beings hadn't noticed the several devices slowly rise higher before moving towards the exit.

Entropy scolded himself for not realising sooner but was prevented from doing nothing more than change his colour back as the devices latched into his metal plating and began administering heavy voltages of electricity over his frame.

The golden mech collapsed to his knee plating after all the pistons in his legs began to cramp painfully up.

Entropy groaned as the devices placed on his arms were now latching into his plating and beginning their electrification. 

Soon his chassis was on the ground as he heaved in pain, his arms tensing and cramping.

"We've got him down, boss" One of the fleshies spoke through his comm making Entropy growl in anger and pain as more electricity began pouring into his systems.

He wasn't sure what was worse, his creators beatings and punishments in not being able to defeat the Primes for him or the electrocution he was currently receiving.

He hadn't realised that the organic beings were able to produce such a large amount of electricity and was deeply regretting underestimating them.

Entropy's thought process was beginning to go hazy so with one last loud growl of pain, he transversed into the one place he knew he could get help.

However, the transverse only increased the pain as the devices set into their next stage, connecting together to branch across his frame.

Fortunately for him, he was determined to get away from the pain and forced himself to transverse again and this time successfully landing on the ground of the Autobot base with an incredibly pained groan.

"By the Allspark! Entropy!" He hazily heard over his own pained growls, grimacing when he felt the medic place a servo on his frame before snatching it away with a loud cry of agony.

"Optimus! I need your immediate assistance back at base!" Entropy heard Ratchet yell over his com before the golden mech cried out in pain, the electricity arching to his helm and making his optic shutters brighten with a blinding white light.

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