Chapter 34

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"Your optics are the exact same colour as your spark" Ratchet commented, Entropy's gaze moving from his own spark to Ratchet's optics as he closed his chest plates.

"Let me out!" A voice in Entropy's spark called out making the eons old mech jump.

The golden mech looked around, not finding anything before he gasped at the feeling of something scratching in his subspace.

Quickly, the golden mech grabbed the moving being as it tried to bite his digits and pulled it out into the open.

Once it was out in the open, the pair observed a small lion-like mini-con nawing on the end of Entropy's digit.

"W-Why do you have a your subspace?" Ratchet questioned slowly, mostly concerned.

"Micronus..." Entropy trailed off before pulling the metal lion from his digit and holding it by its scruff.

"Sly punk" He muttered in his natural tongue, the Mini-Con growling at him in response.

"Rawr!" It growled at the golden mech, Ratchet barely concealing his amusement.

"Perhaps it needs a designation?" Ratchet suggested making Entropy hum in agreement as he and the lion glared at one another.

"Do you have a designation?" Entropy asked the small Mini-Con making it yip in reply.

"Of course I do! My designation is SunPaw!" The Mini-Con stated pridefully through its bond with Entropy.

Entropy hummed in acknowledgement and turned to Ratchet with the Mini-Con now being held by the golden mech.

"It's designation is SunPaw" He informed Ratchet, who went to question how he knew that but was prevented by said minicon jumping at him.

"Is this your counterpart? Creator Micronus said you had a counterpart! He's so cool! He smells like you" SunPaw excitedly exclaimed, licking at Ratchet's face plates as he struggled to get it off of him.

Entropy allowed an amusement smile appear before he pushed the minicon off of Ratchet and helped him up.

"Behave" Entropy muttered, SunPaw quirking her helm making Entropy sigh.

"What else did Micronus inform you of?" Entropy questioned the minicon who hummed in thought.

"That you had a counterpart, you are an Autobot, you have 2 human charges but there are more with the team, you have many enemies and I must protect you and your counterpart" SunPaw answered, Entropy's optic ridges rising in surprise.

"What? What is it saying?" Ratchet questioned as he regained his composure.

"Can you speak outside the bond?" Entropy asked quietly, SunPaw yipping again excitedly.

"Indeed I can! It would be difficult for others if I couldn't" SunPaw spoke, Ratchet huffing as Entropy smiled lightly.

"SunPaw was informing me that Micronus tasked her with guarding us both" Entropy answered the CMO's previous question.

Ratchet nodded in understanding before turning to Optimus as he entered the area.

"Entropy, it is good to see you awake finally" The blue and red Prime spoke, Entropy turning to stare at the cerulean opticed mech.

"It...It is good to be back, Optimus" The golden mech returned before getting to his pedes and walking up to the mech.

"The Primes kept me from returning...Alpha Trion...He informed me of something..." Entropy trailed off, glancing over at Ratchet before he turned back to Optimus with a small smile.

"It is good to see you again...Optimus Prime" The golden mech spoke in his native language, a door opening in Optimus's processor.

"By Primus...Entropy..." The Prime trailed off in the same language, Entropy laughing lightly.

"Till All Are One...Like you use to say, right?" Entropy smiled, offering his servo to the now smiling Prime.

"SunPaw, no!" Ratchet yelled, the lion-minicon bounding over the medical berth and sprinting towards Entropy and Optimus.

"For Primus's sake! Get off me!" Entropy exclaimed, slipping back into his natural language.

Both Optimus and Ratchet laughed as SunPaw began licking Entropy's face plates before she began nipping at his servos when they got too close.

"Micronus's doings?" Optimus asked, amused at the scene as Entropy growled at SunPaw, her returning it.

"Apparently" Ratchet answered as Entropy finally pushed the overexcited minicon off his frame.

"How were they?" Optimus asked Entropy quietly as he stood to his pedes, an optic on SunPaw as she began following her nose around the base.

"Same as the last time we saw them" Entropy answered with a sigh, a small smile on his dermas.

"Arrogant as ever then" Optimus mused, both he and Entropy laughing lightly as Ratchet stared at them both.

Entropy immediately noticed the confused expression on Ratchet's faceplates, his optics widened as Optimus too realised.

"You haven't told the others?" Entropy spoke, more like stated as Optimus swallowed the lump in his throat.

"I hadn't but perhaps it is time that I did" The red and blue Prime sighed before calling SunPaw over to him.

"Master Optimus! You are online, I found you!" The lion minicon exclaimed, jumping at Optimus as he chuckled.

"Optimus? What is... What is going on?" Ratchet questioned, Optimus straightening up and glancing at Entropy.

"Old friend...Do you remember when you confided me about there only being 13 Primes but only 12 recorded?" Optimus asked Ratchet who nodded.

"There have always been 13 Primes...The youngest Prime was the Prime who rallied his siblings with the call, "Till All Are One"" Entropy added, turning to Optimus as he exhaled lightly.

"You...Your the thirteenth Prime?" Ratchet muttered in both amazement and surprise as Optimus nodded.

"Master Optimus joined the Well of Sparks and was recreated in the first wave of sparks, thus becoming a lesser-cybertronian" SunPaw added with a lopsided smile of her own.

"I requested for my Mentor to remove all traces of my designation from history so nobot would know...Untill Entropy arrived" Optimus laughed lightly, patting the golden mech on his shoulder plating lightly.

"Did you have abilities like the other Primes?" Ratchet curiously asked.

"Not that I can recall, Old friend" Optimus answered, looking to Entropy for confirmation as he shook his helm.

"Till All Are One..." Ratchet muttered before the sound of metal grinding caught all three mechs attention.

Each mech looked over at Ratchet's work area and immediately observed SunPaw chewing on a wrench.

"SunPaw-" Entropy began with a cringe before Ratchet beat him to it.

"I Needed That!!"

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