Chapter 25

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"Entropy! Wake up!" Ratchet yelled, shaking the larger mech as he tossed in his recharge.

With a large jolt, Entropy shot out of his berth and pinned Ratchet to the ground, a growl on his dermas as he glared down at the mech.

"E-Entropy? It's alright, Y-You're safe" Ratchet spoke, an attempt to calm the disorientated mech.

Entropy's growl seemed to die in his intake as his sky-blue-ringed optics focused on the mech he was pinning.

"Ratchet?" The golden mech whispered before quickly moving away from the CMO in a slight panicked.

"Entropy, it's alright. I'm unharmed, see? You didn't hurt me" Ratchet stated, letting Entropy's optics search his frame before realising there were no marks on him.

With a relieved sigh, Entropy moved towards Ratchet, bringing him into his arms where they both rested their helms on eachother.

Ratchet immediately noticed the strong grip and slight shake of Entropy's arms.

"Entropy...What was the night terror?" He murmured softly, Entropy tensing.

"I-It is fine, R-Ratchet...It is o-over now" Entropy stuttered looking away from the mech he was holding.

With a sigh, Ratchet pushed against Entropy's chest, the mechs arms slackening as Ratchet glared at his sky-blue-ringed optics.

"Based on the way you were holding me just then and how your servo is currently resting over the scars on your spark...I'm going to assume it was about Arachnid and I" The CMO deduced, Entropy's already crumbling resolve breaking completely as he shrunk to Ratchet's height.

Ratchet held Entropy as he clutched onto him, fluid leaking from his optics as he replayed the night terror in his processor.

"It's alright, Entropy. It wasn't real, I'm  unharmed" Ratchet assured the golden mech who wasn't letting go any time soon.

The pair stayed like that for a while, Entropy soon calming down enough to tell Ratchet about the night terror.

Ratchet sighed before he placed his dermas on Entropy's, said mech melting under Ratchet.

Ratchet smirked as Entropy's submissiveness and decided to see if he could go a little bit further.

Entropy grunted in surprise when Ratchet pushed him to the ground, what felt like Ratchet's glossa running along his lower derma.

Confused, Entropy went to open his intake, to ask about the action...Only to literally jump away when he felt Ratchet's glossa move into his intake.

Ratchet looked up to see if Entropy was alright, noticing how he was staring at him incredibly confused with his intake slightly ajar showing his razor sharp dentae whilst he panted.

Ratchet sighed before moving next to Entropy on the ground, said golden mech moving over slightly as to not touch him.

"Entropy..." Ratchet drawled, the golden mech breaking slightly as fluid welled in his optics again.

"I-I didn't mean t-to react li-like that..." Entropy mumbled burying his helm in his servos as he brought his legs to his chassis.

"It's alright, Entropy! You're reaction was completely justifiable considering your past" Ratchet assured, making sure to stay exactly where he was and let the trembling mech come to him.

"B-But...I c-cou-could have bit you! My dentae..." Entropy trailed off, looking at Ratchet with fluid dripping down from his optics, Ratchet's spark cracking at the sight.

"Your dentae are incredibly sharp, I noticed that but you would never hurt me, Entropy" Ratchet assured the mech who searched him to see if he was lying.

"I-I-I'm sorry, R-Ratchet..." Entropy mumbled before slowly moving so their frames were touching.

"Wh-what were y-you doing any-way" He softly asked Ratchet who blushed blue.

"Um...well, it is another form, a much more sexual form, of kissing...I was testing to see how you would react" Ratchet answered, looking away from Entropy who began to blush bright blue as well.

"U-Uh...C-c-can you d-do it ag-again?" Entropy asked quietly, Ratchet's optics connecting with his.

"A-Are you sure?" Ratchet questioned, Entropy nodding.

Ratchet slowly placed his dermas on Entropy, making sure he was still comfortable with the action.

Very slowly, he ran his glossa over Entropy's bottom lip.

Knowing, somewhat, on what to do, Entropy let his dermas part and held back the urge to jump.

Ratchet felt a small jolt from the mech he was passionately kissing, going a bit slower in familiarising himself with golden mech's intake.

Entropy realised quickly that whilst Ratchet had his glossa in his intake, his own intake was open giving Entropy an idea.

"Hmph!" Ratchet groaned, the golden mech pushing him to the ground and hesitantly letting his glossa familiarise itself with his intake.

Entropy smirked as Ratchet moaned lightly before he pulled away, both mechs staring into each other's optics.

"Primus, I love you so much" Entropy  whispered in his natural language.

Ratchet quirked an optic ridge at him, having no idea what the golden mech had just said.

"I love, so much" Entropy murmured, placing his dermas on Ratchet's forehelm before transversing with him into his berth.

"Was that even Cybertronian?" Ratchet asked, curious on Entropy's natural language.

"A very ancient form, yes..." Entropy hummed before sighing and sinking into his berth.

"What's wrong?" Ratchet asked softly.

"Ratchet...Why did you decide to choose me?...I'm the creation of Unicron, I-I could hurt you! " Entropy quietly exclaimed, his optics staring at Ratchet.

Ratchet sighed before moving closer to the golden mech with a firm expression.

"Because I know you'll never hurt me"

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