Chapter 44

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"Entropy, contact Ratchet and inform him of the situation" Optimus ordered the golden mech who nodded, passing the two humans to Light who was waiting for them.

Before the two new mechs could even quirk an optic ridge, Entropy had transversed to his counterpart's side before transversing them both back to Optimus and the others.

"Entropy! I was right in the middle of creating that artificial energon source!" The white and red mech exclaimed angrily, a wrench being waved through the air.

Entropy held back a soft smile and gestured his helm for Ratchet to turn making him hesitantly do so before he stepped back into Entropy's frame.

"Like looking in the mirror, Ratch?" Miko laughed before yelping as two human-sized wrenches flew past her.

"Don't call me that!" The two responsible mechs exclaimed before turning to one another in shock.

Entropy slowly stepped back and pulled his Ratchet with him, partially fearful about the situation.

"Naww, Entropy's being Ratchet's protector!" Miko swooned, Sam and Carly chuckling along as the golden mech growled lightly at them all.

Ratchet glanced back at Entropy, a servo making it's way to his chassis in a form of calming him down, the golden mech ceasing his growl and turning to the situation at hand with a vent.

"Hey there, my designation is Light!" The white mech introduced himself to Ratchet, Entropy looking at the mech with the feeling that he had missed something.

"Prime...You are a Prime" He mumbled, his optics widening partially, as well as Optimus's.

"Another Prime? Awesome!" Miko exclaimed as Light chuckled.

"It's mainly my sister's doing" He spoke, a servo rubbing the back of his neck.

"You earnt it" The yellow and red mech stated, a servo gently hitting Light's side making him laugh lightly.

"You mentioned that you were both offlined" Optimus stated, redirecting the conversation.

"Indeed we were" Ratchet confirmed as he stood a bit straighter.

"Then why are you both alive here, right now?" Carly added before both Optimus and her turned to Entropy.

"If it was Primus that sent you here, he would have a reason. Said reason, I have no idea" The golden mech answered before turning to the sparkmated pair with a quirked optic ridge.

"Did he mention a..." Entropy began before trailing off, his optics narrowing slightly as he tensed.

"Entropy? What's happening?" Ratchet questioned, turning to see the golden mech's servos twitching.

Before Entropy could answer a powerful blast hit him in the side throwing him away from the group as they each were thrown from their pedes.

"Entropy!" Ratchet and Optimus yelled as they recovered, the golden mech groaning as he got to a knee joint.

"SunPaw, protect them" He muttered, the minicon disconnecting from him with a roar and transforming, racing to the white and red mech's side.

"It appears you Autobots beat us here" A menacing voice smirked as they all turned to see Megatron and Shockwave.

Entropy bared his dentae at the sight of the pair.

Right as he went to attack the pair, Megatron raised his arm, his canon now aimed at Ratchet making Entropy freeze.

"Still have a soft spot, I see" Megatron grinned before nodding to Shockwave who stepped towards Entropy.

Entropy growled at the approaching mech, his biolights flaring a dense blue.

"It is illogical for you to protect them" Shockwave stated, noticing how Entropy's optics flickered behind him to make sure Megatron wasn't going to fire his canon.

"It is illogical for me to do a lot of things, Shockwave, but I still do them" Entropy returned before transversing to Megatron and kicking him into several trees.

The golden mech then turned to his Ratchet and the others with a worried expression, "You all need to go back to base, Now!".

Optimus nodded and immediately commed base, resulting in a groundbridge appearing not too far away.

He and the others then ran through however the white and red mech paused, watching as Entropy dodged Shockwave's canon fire before attacking him.

"Master Ratchet! We need to retreat! Master Entropy can defend himself!" SunPaw exclaimed  from the Groundbridge.

"Go, Ratchet!" The golden mech yelled before being thrown back by Megatron.

Entropy gave his counterpart a firm nod before commanding SunPaw to pull him through, which she complied with.

Once the groundbridge closed, Entropy vented, turning to the two Decepticons with an annoyed expression.

"A shame it is that now we have no witnesses to your defeat" Megatron chuckled making Entropy roll his optics before transforming to his massive dragon-like form.

"By the Allspark..." Both mechs muttered as Entropy lowered his helm to them and roared loudly.

Entropy smirked to himself as he readied his fire, unleashing it upon the pair and watching them escape his fire.

Entropy growled loudly before crying out at something latched onto his back struts.

Twisting his helm around, he snarled at the predacon clawing at his back, grabbing it with his dentae and throwing it towards the two Decepticons.

Entropy observed as it regained it's equilibrium and began flying towards him, Megatron and Shockwave taking to their alt modes and firing at him.

After a small battle of dodging and attacking, Shockwave returned to his bipedal form and grabbed a device from his subspace.

With a couple of flicks and switches, the one-optic mech pointed the device towards Entropy and activated, the immediate effect of forcing him to transform to his bipedal form.

Entropy groaned as he tried to block the receptor splitting frequency before crying out as a well placed shot hit his chassis, right above his spark chamber.

Shockwave continued to hold the device, Megatron quickly pinning the struggling mech as his mad scientist produced a vile of purple liquid.

Megatron grinned as Shockwave quickly administered the liquid into Entropy's system, watching as his previous blue biolights and optics turned to a purple once again.

"No!!" Entropy exclaimed as his energon lines began to burn, the liquid making its way through his frame to his spark.

After several minutes, the golden mech began to stiffen his optics finally turning purple.

Megatron grinned with a triumphant exclaim, a purple fire-like hue enveloping him whilst Entropy groaned, his servos making their way to his chassis and trying to dig into his spark.

"Oh, this is simply too exciting! The mighty creation of Unicron, is now under my command!" Megatron smirked as Entropy roared, Megatron working his way into his processor.

"Well done, my Liege" Shockwave spoke before calling for a groundbridge, Entropy having gone still.

Megatron chuckled to himself before commanding his new puppet to follow him, walking through the groundbridge and onto the Nemesis.

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