Chapter 10

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"No sky's raining fire?" Arcee mused, keeping in mind that most 'doomsday' prophecies have such occurances.

"Goes without saying, it is a doom prophecy after all" Ratchet returned with a bit of an optic roll.

Entropy continued to read the rest of the Covenant, even re-reading it to make sure he didn't miss anything.

"I say it's a load of hooy" Bulkhead commented from his spot making both Ratchet and Entropy turn to him.

"I'd always assumed the Ancients were referring to our home planet...but being that Cybertron has been dark for eons..." Ratchet trailed off, Entropy giving him a sympathetic look.

"And considering what has befallen this planet since Megatron's arrival here..." Optimus wondered aloud.

"Woah, woah, woah, We've know about these superstitions for ages and never gave them a second thought" Bulkhead pointed out as Entropy sighed.

"Why all the ominous rumbles now?" Arcee asked, Entropy sighing again as he turned.

"Because the covenant refers to a planetary alignment, an allignment that has Earth at its ending point" Entropy answered, Ratchet noticing the exhausted tone lacing the mechs rough voice.

"Uhhh, crazy coincidence, r-right?" Bulkhead asked, digit gunning at the three mechs standing around the computer.

Entropy stared at the green mech with an 'Are you being serious?' look.

"Wait, wait, wait, so if Unicron does wake up from his nap, what happens to Entropy?' Miko asked worried and curious as the large mech exhaled.

"We do not know, Miko" Ratchet answered, giving a worried glance to Entropy who decided to transverse back to the rocky outcrop and calm himself.

"I-is he dangerous?" A small feminine voice asked Jack making him turn to his Mum in slight shock.

"N-No! Entropy is...friendly as anything" The ravenette assured her, Miko nodding along as Raf agreed as well.

"He may be the creation of Unicron...but he certainly doesn't agree to his creators actions and beliefs" Ratchet added with a heavy sigh, looking towards the elevator with a sad expression.

-Time Skip-

"Optimus! I'm detecting a swell Unicron's spark activity" Ratchet informed the Prime over the comms as Entropy returned to the main area.

With a bit of discomfort playing on his own spark, Entropy joined Ratchet's side who nearly leapt out of metal when he noticed the golden mech.

"What is Optimus doing?" Entropy asked Ratchet who calmed his already quick beating spark.

"He's attempting to make a deal with Unicron to leave Earth as it is" Ratchet answered resulting in Entropy's optics widening in disbelief.

"He's doing what?!" He exclaimed, every bot and organic being surprised by his sudden exclaim.

Entropy went to transverse, to get Optimus out of the idiotic situation he had gotten himself into but was prevented from doing so when the previously mentioned discomfort increased.

"Prime is going to get himself offlined" He muttered before he felt the dark Energon comprised in his own frame begin to burn.

"Entropy!" Ratchet exclaimed as the golden mech began glowing purple before he turned for the base's exit and transformed into his alt mode.

Without another word, he transversed to where he knew his creator to be and ploughed into the rocky formation of said mech as he went to offline Optimus.

"Prime lives. You will perish" Entropy growled as he returned to his bipedal form, the angry growling of his creator bubbling in the back of his processor.

"Entropy? What are you-?" Optimus began before the Golden mech joined his side, their rocky surroundings being turned into many forms of the Chaos Bringer.

"I'm taking a stand because I will not allow Unicron to destroy the planet and beings I call my home and friends" The golden mech answered spinning to face the closest Unicron's formation.

"Yes, deciple of Primus, on this very day for Unicron may be one but we all are Unicron!" The many formations of Unicron exclaimed.

With a low growl, Entropy grew back to Optimus's height and transformed his right arm into his deadly dark Energon blade that could kill a Cybertronians with just a small nick if the dark Energon entered their system.

"Unicron is power incarnate and you, the last of the Primes shall perish! Along with my Creation!" The formations exclaimed after Ratchet questioned Optimus about any sightings of Unicron.

"I'll take that as a yes. We are on our way!" Ratchet spoke through the comms.

"Negative! Unicron cannot be defeated by sheer force" Optimus argued as he bared his own weapons.

"Unicron wants us, Ratchet. You will all stay at the base where you are safe" Entropy called, hoping to Primus that the CMO heard and complied with his wishes.

Without another word both Entropy and Optimus began tearing through the Unicron formations, Entropy trying to block out the threats from his creator in the back of his processor.

Using his transverse ability, Entropy began to slice through the large number of Unicron formations before returning to Optimus's side and tackling the formation pinning the Prime.

With an angered snarl, Entropy destroyed it and all other formations close to the pair.

Optimus got back to his pedes and called out to Entropy who hadn't noticed the large number of formations about to tackle him off the edge of the rocky outcrop.

With a pained growled, Entropy was tackled off the cliff edge before transversing back to Optimus's side and take the fatal hit meant for him.

"No!" Optimus yelled as he was held back by the formations, watching the Unicron formation pull it's sharpened claw from Entropy's midsection as he collapsed to the ground holding the possibly fatal wound.

Entropy groaned at the pain, his creator laughing maniacally in his processor as a groundbridge opened and the Autobots jumped from it and destroyed the formations close to them.

Arcee, Bulkhead and Bumblebee then ran over to Optimus and Entropy as the Prime pulled the laters arm around his neck plating and braced him.

"Did Ratchet not relay Entropy's command? Return to base!" Optimus scolded the three as Entropy pulled himself away from Optimus, the wound already having stopped bleeding dark Energon.

"Reinforcements will not prevent your destruction, deciple of Primus!" The Unicron formations exclaimed, every Autobot watching as Entropy stumbled forward a few pedestals before doubling over and clutching at his helm.

"Optimus, you're Unicron's target. Maybe you should consider returning to base" Arcee pointed out, her and the others all watching with uneasiness as Entropy struggled to win the internal battle against his creator.

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