Chapter 16

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Those few days were an absolute pit for Entropy, who was still chained up in the control room.

He had done well in not crying out from the pain his spark was creating.

His frame was rigid and stiff and he winced at the thought of when he got out of the chains.

Ratchet hadn't recharged since the golden mech and Autobot leader were taken nor had he refueled much either.

He spent day and night searching for the Nemesis to save the pair, hoping each day would be better than the last.

When he received a message from Starscream, he was practically livid and met with the seeker with Bulkhead.

Upon discovering a space ridge was open could be their chance to recharge the Matrix that Optimus had left Jack in guard of.

Jack, accompanied by Arcee, went to do just that, whilst Ratchet, Bumblebee and Bulkhead all guarded the space bridge in case any Decepticons appeared.

"Entropy?" A small voice called, the golden mech groaning as he raised his helm a little bit to see the frame of the Autobot leader.

He grunted in acknowledgement, talking paining him too much.

The red and blue bot understood this and upon looking around the control room, realised it was empty and quickly ran over to the chained mech and loosened them.

Entropy almost lost his resolve when he was caught by Orion, his frame aching from the pain his spark produced and the stiffness.

"Can you walk?" Orion asked the golden mech who managed to nod, an arm being wrapped around Orion's neck to brace him.

"We have to stop Megatron" The blue and red mech claimed as he guided Entropy over to the groundbridge and activated it.

Entropy decided that obtaining sustainance could wait untill he knew Ratchet was safe if Megatron was after them.

"L-Le-t's go-go..." He groaned before seperated himself from Orion and walking behind him through the groundbridge.

"We cannot allow that to happen, Megatron" Orion stated as they both exited the groundbridge, The gunmetal grey mech turning to the pair.

"And why should you care, Orion-Pax? You are no Prime and neither is Unicron's Creation" Megatron returned with a growl.

"That may be true, or yet another deception but this much I do know...My sympathies lie with the Autobots and you are not one of us" Orion declared, bearing his weapons.

Entropy bared his own, however due to having next to no dark Energon, his blade was simply that.

As he went to follow Orion to attack Megatron, his spark thrummed in pain making him double over with a pained groan.

"Your spark may be in the right place, Orion...but you have much to learn before you can hope to ever again stand your ground against me" Megatron drawled as he bashed the blue and red mech to the ground.

"A moment sadly, which will never come" The Warlord declared, panic sprouting in Entropy forcing him to jump to his pedes and tackle Megatron as he swiped down to impale Orion.

Entropy cried out as Megatron's blade ran through his shoulder before they both tumbled to the ground.

Megatron recovered quickly, getting to his pedes only to be thrown away by Arcee.

Entropy clutched at both his spark and shoulder as both began thrumming painfully.

He could hear Megatron and Arcee fighting behind him, but he lacked the strength to go and assist Arcee.

Looking over when Arcee was thrown over him, he observed Megatron running at the Autobot leader as he received the Matrix of Leadership from Jack.

Upon seeing Megatron throw Ratchet back over the side made Entropy bubble in anger and concern.

And so, with the very last of his strength, the golden mech transversed and caught Ratchet, both of them rolling across the ground.

"Entropy? Entropy!" Ratchet called, moving out from under the golden mechs arm and rolling him onto his backstruts.

A few tears escaped the white and red bot upon noticing the practically lifeless colour of Entropy's optics and stiffened.

", Ra-r-ratch-chet..." Entropy barely muttered as he attempted to lift a servo to wipe the tears away.

Ratchet caught the servo when he saw it begin to slacken and held it against his cheek.

"You have to stay awake...We can get you dark Energon, anything, just stay online, please" Ratchet cried, dropping Entropy's servo on his chest as he distraughtly attempted to temporarily patch the wound in his shoulder up.

"R-R...rat-ch-chet...A he-ro-ro's...n-no-t afr-rai-aid...t-t-to" Entropy whispered before his spark finally let him have peace.

"No...Entropy!" Ratchet cried, buying his helm in the crook of the golden mechs neck.

"Ratchet?" Optimus spoke, having walked up to the mourning mech and gently crouching down and resting a servo on his shoulder.

"We have to leave, now" The Autobot leader told him, gently pulling Ratchet away and grabbing the offlined frame of Entropy.

Ratchet followed Optimus hazily, barely noticing that Optimus and the others had forced Megatron to retreat as the pair went through their groundbridge.

Whilst each guardian reunited with their charge and Jack with his mother, Optimus had placed Entropy on the medical berth where Ratchet stayed by his side.

His processor combing through ways to revive the mech, although it seemed incredibly un-doable.

"Old friend" Optimus spoke softly, knowing the smaller mech was mourning.

"There has to be a way, he can't be offline!" Ratchet exclaimed, fluid running from his optics.

"Ratchet...There's nothing we can do" Optimus returned softly, keeping his distance to not anger the CMO.

"I'm not losing another bot, Optimus...Not him" Ratchet returned before his processor seemed to ding with an idea.

"Dark Energon, it reanimates the offlined...Entropy's frame is comprised of dark Energon!" Ratchet declared with hope, racing further into the base to the room where they kept a single shard of well-insulated dark Energon.

Liquifying it and placing it in an IL-drip and connecting it to Entropy's spark, Ratchet, the rest of the Autobots and the humans all watched as nothing happened.

"No...that should have worked" Ratchet barely whispered, every bot and humans looking down with sadness.

"I believe it's time for the children to be taken home" Optimus told Arcee, Bumblebee and Bulkhead.

Each nodded and complied, June taking her car as they all left leaving Ratchet and Optimus alone.

"You need to get some rest, Old friend" Optimus spoke, Ratchet on the verge of breaking down.

"I'm fi-fine...just leave me be" The white and red mech returned, Optimus sighing before he left the CMO to mourn and went to his berthroom.

Ratchet stayed by the golden mechs frame the whole night, even falling into recharge after an hour or two.

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