Chapter 9

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"Are you experiencing any pain?" The Autobot CMO asked Entropy as he transformed into his bipedal form and stretched a bit.

"Negative, Ratchet, for the 23rd time" He answered with an unnoticeable smile, Ratchet's cheeks dusting blue as he realised he was very worried, more so than usual.

"Holoform, huh? Seems pretty cool" The horned red mech commented as he stood next to the still-online mechs.

Entropy glanced at him with a plain expression before returning to Ratchet as he ordered him to go back to his Alt mode and turn the holoform on.

The golden mech nodded and complied, turning the holoform on to be faintly surprised when he fazed into being inside his own alt form. 

With a small smile, Entropy opened the drivers door and jumped down from the very large vehicle, the door swinging shut behind him.

"How do I look?" Entropy asked, both mechs staring at him, Ratchet with a blush of blue and the red mech with a slightly horrified expression.

"You look like you went through a shredder and then got welded back together by Shockwave" The red mech commented making Entropy raise an eyebrow in question.

"Ratchet?" The golden haired male gently asked the much taller mech bringing him back to focus as he lightly shook his helm.

"U-Uh, You look like a normal human would...besides the copious amounts of scars you've acquired" The white and red mech stated.

With a confused expression, Entropy found the side mirrors of his alt mode and with a shocked expression realised what the pair were talking about.

In this form, he had no way to hide all his scars.

With a sigh, Entropy turned back with an annoyed scowl

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With a sigh, Entropy turned back with an annoyed scowl.

Without another thought, he deactivated his holoform and transformed back to his bipedal form.

"Come on, man! You looked totally badass!" The horned mech exclaimed as he looked up at Entropy who threw a small glare at the mech who immediately shut up and back away.

"Entropy? What's wrong?" Ratchet questioned concerned as the golden mech exhaled shakily.

"It's nothing, Ratchet...Do not concern yourself about me" Entropy returned before he left the area and returned to his berthroom.

Not noticing Ratchet's sad and worried expression as he watched the golden mech leave.

-Time Skip-

When Entropy left the safety of his berthroom the next day, it was already in the afternoon hours.

Ratchet had equipped the Autobots, including himself, with the holoform projectors and were now testing them out with the kids when the Golden mech walked silently into the area.

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