2: To The Revolution!

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Alexander woke up rather aggressively, as John was shaking his shoulders in a ridiculous manner.

"What the hell..?"

"Alexander, you slept through the alarm! And I have no clue what time your class starts today, so I figured I needed to wake you." John rushed.

Alex hopped out of bed, hurrying to the kitchen to get coffee started. He didn't notice John watching his frantic movements throughout the tight space as he grabbed for the bread and a mug.

"What time is your first class?"

"I don't know, what time is it?"

"Um, exactly seven."

"Shit!" Alexander ran to get dressed, putting an old sweatshirt and some jeans on. He rushed back into the kitchen, poured his coffee into a thermos instead of the mug, and grabbed the piece of bread.

"Bye, John, see you later!" He exclaimed, rushing out the door.


When Alexander got back to his dorm, he heard Revolution playing softly in the background. He also heard a voice that wasn't Paul McCartney. John. He quietly closed the door behind him, peeking into the living space, and saw John dancing a little bit, singing to himself.

"Hey, John. I like your voice." Alex whispered. John stopped dancing and turned around, a look of fear on his face.

"Oh...hi. Um.." He looked embarrassed now, his red face bringing out freckles Alexander hadn't originally noticed. They were beautiful, though.

Just like him.

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