4: SmOl bEaN

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"HEEeYyyy, Jude~" Alex started singing. John laughed at him, as he was noticeably off key.

"Hey, you know you love my singing!" Alex accused. This made John laugh more, causing his opposite to aggressively push him off the couch.

"Oof, bitch, that hurt!"

"Hey, Jude! What's it like down there?"

"Oh, fuck you!"

"Gladly." Was Alexander's response before he realized what he said. John watched as his face turned red, and chuckled as Alexander mumbled something about the bathroom and rushed off.

God, John loved this kid.

Platonically, of course. Yeah.

After a few minutes, Alex came out of the bathroom, claiming back his seat on the couch. John got back up and purposely flopped his legs onto Alexander's stomach.

He let out some weird grunt noise thing.

"JoHn! I'm OnLy a SmOl bEaN!" He whined. "You can't do that, it huRt!"

John burst out laughing, and didn't stop until he couldn't breathe. Then, when quietly chuckling to himself under Alex's glare, he snorted, causing them to both burst into a fit of giggles and snorts.

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