48: Stay Reprise

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Alexander's POV

I enter John's room by myself to check on him and see if he was awake. He was lying on the bed, blankets strewn everywhere.

"Jude, baby. How are you feeling?" I whisper.

"Uhh-" He grunted. I made my way to his bed, sitting on the chair next to it.

"Baby, I have the twins here. Do you want them to come in?"

"Just..minute. I..love y-you." He whimpered in pain. I grabbed his hand and gave it a gentle squeeze.

"I love you more, baby. I love you so much, John." He nodded. "Would you like me to get the twins now?" He nodded again. I stood and opened the door. Holly was sitting on the bench across from the door while Philip paced back and forth in front of her.

"Guys, Dad wants to see you." Holly looked up and stood, grabbing Pip's hand as they walked in together. I closed the door behind us.

"Dad...how are you feeling?" Philip whispered.

"I've..b-been better."

"I love you so much, Dad." Holly said in a hushed voice. "I..love y-you both." John smiled.

"I w-won't be dead f-for a while, d-don't worry."

I didn't really put effort into this chapter, sorry :/

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