27: Guitar

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Alex's POV

I double checked around the apartment, making sure my boyfriend wasn't home. I knew he had 2 PM classes today, but he'd skip every once in a while. Once I was absolutely sure he wasn't home, I went to the closet in one of the baby rooms and pulled my guitar out of the corner.

I strummed a chord, trying to remember the beginning of the song. It'd been a while since I've practiced, but I still remember the majority of it.

"Who knows how long I've loved you~" I started. I stopped, fixing a wrong chord.

"You know I love you still. Will I wait a lonely lifetime? If you want me too, I will." I think this song is about a break up. The couple broke up, but the guy is still in love. He's trying to express that love, by telling her how much he would do for her. Of course, there are happier interpretations, but I like mine. I plan on singing this song for John eventually, as it kind of represents when we had our fight.

I continued playing, and forgot about the world. I eventually lost track of time, too caught up in playing and singing.

John's POV

I fumbled with the keys, finally unlocking the door.

"Honey, I'm home!" I called out jokingly. I heard a guitar, as well as a muffled voice. I set my keys and bag down on the counter, making my way to the door of the baby girl's room.

"You know I love you still. Will I wait a lonely lifetime? If you want me to, I will."

I cracked the door open quietly, as to not let Alex know of my presence. He was sitting on the carpet cross legged, back facing me, strumming the guitar while singing to himself.

"Love you forever, and forever. Love you with all my heart. Love you whenever we're together. Love you when we're apart."

He continued, making it to the end of the song. He picked up his phone, cursing when he saw the time. He scrambled to get up, and I quickly rushed to the front, grabbing my keys and bag, making it look like I had just got there.

"Hey, Lexi, I'm home!" I yelled out.

"Hi, baby! Missed you!" He responded.

"Where ya at?"

"Baby room! I was cleaning up some stuff!" He yelled back.

Yeah, right. Cleaning up.

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