40: Aunt Peggy

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"Morning, Pip!" Alex whispered, gently shaking his son's shoulder. "Time to get up, we're gonna go see Aunt Peggy!" He watched as the toddler slowly opened his eyes, rubbing them with his chubby smol hands.

"Auntie Peggy?" He asked, sitting up.

"Yeah, you wanna go see Auntie Peg?" Philip nodded, scrambling from under the covers. "We get Lil?" Alex nodded, picking his son up.

"Let's go surprise her!" Alex tiptoed to Holly's room, surprised to see John in there. "We can surprise Daddy, too." He whispered to Philip. He walked into the room, slowly making his way to John.

"Blaaah!" Pip screamed. John jumped, whipping around. "Philip! You can't do that!"

He giggled, pointing at Alex. "Papa said."

John turned to Alexander. "You female dog!" Alex burst out laughing, setting Philip on Holly's bed. She had laughed through the entire thing.

"We're seeing Peggy today, right?"

"Yup! I can make breakfast while you get Pip and Lil dressed." John said, pecking Alexander on the cheek before striding out of the room.


"Hey, Holly, Philip! I'm so happy to see you! Stephen is excited to see you both!" Stephen was Maria's son, who Peggy took care of since Maria had crazy work hours.

"Hi, Aunt Peg! Where Steph?" Holly giggled, hugging Peggy's leg.

"He's in the play room, your Papa can walk you there." She laughed, delighted to see her niece and nephew. Once Alex and the kids left, she turned to John.

"So, proposal?"

"He accepted."

"Yay!! That's fantastic! You guys were always my OTP." She exclaimed, clapping her hands. "Now, come in!"

John stepped into her home, gazing around. "This is pretty big."

"That's what he said. But yeah, it is." Peggy closed the door, delighted to hear the sounds of Alex playing with the toddlers.

"How are you and Maria?" John asked, heading to the living room.

"Alright. Nothing's happened yet. All I am is the kid that watches her son while she works crazy ass hours."

"Aw, it's okay, Peg. She'll come around."

"Yeah, whatever." She plopped onto the couch, patting the spot next to her.

"When's the twins' birthday? Soon, right?"

"Next Thursday. Can you believe they're going to be three?" John sat.

"And it'll be almost three years since Liz."

"..yeah. Lex and I figured we'd tell Pip and Lil in a few years. Maybe ten?"

"They deserve to know." She stated.

"Absolutely. It was their mother; she birthed them, and they deserve to at least know about her." John agreed.

"At least Eliza had a legacy started before she passed."

"And a damn good one it'll be."

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