23: Furniture

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The sisters left after shopping for a while. John and Alex decided to go furniture shopping, as they needed a bed, and more baby furniture. They ended up going to Ikea, and found cribs pretty fast. Alex turned into a kid, flopping onto all the beds and beanbags.

"John, bet you can't get me up here!" Alex whispered down to his boyfriend. He was on the top bunk of a bunk bed, and had a feeling of power from being so high up.

"You're such a child sometimes, Lex. I'm going to be taking care of three kids." John sighed, then reached up to tug on Alex's hand. "Let's go find comfy beds for us to fuck on." He felt pride at the blush that crept onto Alexander's face.

Once he had clambered down, the pair went off in search of beds. They flopped onto each one, making sex jokes when people weren't within earshot. They found a big master bed that was on sale, and paid for that and the cribs.


"How the fuck are we supposed to put this together?" Alex exclaimed, searching through a pile of screws for the one the instruction book showed.

"I dunno. Good luck with putting the frame together, the crib one was difficult." John replied, working on setting up one of the cribs. "I'm gonna move this to the baby room."

Alex huffed in frustration, not able to find the one screw he needed.

"Are you pouting?" John came back into the master bedroom, chuckling at Alexander's expression.


"Yeah, right. Let me help you."

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