33: John's Sick Day

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"Juuuude~ wake up!" Alex shook John's shoulder. "I fed the babies already. John, wake up!" He felt his boyfriend slowly wake, and he grinned.

"Hey, baby. I got the twins fed."

"Oh...that's nice." John mumbled, turning over in bed.

"Judy, are you okay? How do you feel?"

"Like shit."

Alex went to the bathroom to grab a thermometer, checking on the twins, who were asleep in their cribs.

"Here, baby. Open your mouth." John complied, and they sat in silence as they waited for the beep of the thermometer.

Beep. Beep.

Alex snatched it out of John's mouth, sighing at the temperature.

"101.3," John groaned, closing his eyes.

"You should call over Eliza, Peggy, and the girl we met the other day from downstairs to help you with the babies."

Alex nodded, standing up. "Do you need anything, baby? I'll go call the sisters and see if Mar...Mary? Miriam? Wants to help." John shook his head, and Alex kissed his forehead. "Love you, John."

"Love you." Was the raspy response. He smiled to himself, then closed the door behind him.

Lexi: wanna come and help with twin? Jude is sick and requested I get your guys' help

Pegleg: nah, lizzie will come tho. I dont like taking care of babies

Lexi: sounds good

Alex checked on the twins one more time before going to get the Girl from Downstairs. He locked the door behind him, clambering down the stairs. He knocked on her apartment door, bouncing on the balls of his feet, looking around.

"Hello?" The girl answered the door, wearing red sweats and a quite..revealing black top.

"Hi, I'm Alex. We had a nice conversation here the other day, with my boyfriend?"

"Oh, yeah. You guys." She sneered. "What is it that you need?"

"Oh, right, can you help me take care of some babies?" Alex mentally facepalmed.

"...some babies?"


Turns out Maria, who the girl downstairs was, had a soft spot for infants. She had immediately followed Alexander to his room, eager to see the babies. He had let her into the apartment, surprised to see Eliza already there, lounging on the couch with Philip in her arms. She heard the door open, and blushed almost immediately.

"Well, um. Eliza, Maria. Maria, Eliza." Alex introduced, closing the door. Eliza got off the couch, walking over to the two, offering her free hand to Maria.

"Nice to meet you, Maria. Elizabeth Schuyler."

"You as well. Maria Lewis." She took the younger girl's hand, shaking it firmly. She made sure to not let a blush slip onto her face at the contact.

She couldn't have a repeat of last time.

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