19: Stay

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Alexander paced anxiously in the hospital lobby. He brought John in after he had found him, and had been waiting for news for over five hours. He was getting frustrated with the lack of information on his boyf- no. Not boyfriend.

He heavily sighed, plopping himself into one of the plastic chairs. He texted Peggy, and she said she'd be on her way with Eliza. Great. He closed his eyes, leaning his head against the wall.


Alex woke to Eliza gently shaking his shoulder.

"Hey, Alexander. Have you heard how John is doing?" She asked, her tone hushed.

"No, I haven't. When did you get here?"

"About ten minutes ago, we let you sleep for a bit." She said, sitting down carefully in the chair next to Alexander.

"How are the babies doing?"

"As well as they could be doing." Eliza chuckled. Alex laughed along with her, relieved that something was still okay. They chatted with Peggy for a while, waiting on news about John.

"John is stable. He's asking for an Alexander?" A lady with dark hair came out. Alex got up, and followed the woman, who lead him down a series of hallways.

"Here you are. You're the only visitor he's had today, so he'll be a little eccentric. Visiting hours are over at eight tonight." She left.

Alexander walked into John's room, taking in his figure lying on the hospital bed.


He leaned over the side of the bed, grabbing John's hand.

"Hey, Jude. How are you feeling?"

John smiled up at Alexander.

"I'm great, how are you?"

"I could be better. Why did you..you know. Hurt yourself?" Alex tentatively asked.


"You don't have to answer if it's uncomfortable, I'm sorry. You don't have to talk to me, I can leave if you want. I'm sorry, you hate me, I'll just lea-"

His rambling was cut off by a light kiss.


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