17: Argue

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"The winner of the debate is Alexander! Great job on a modern twist of history, a rap battle between founding fathers. Just original! And the words and meanings, amazing!" Professor Washington praised Alex during the last ten minutes of class for his creativity. He had come up with the idea of a free style rap battle about the topic. And his idea won. And he won the debate.

He rushed to his dorm, excitement taking over. He couldn't wait to tell John about...


He slowed, realizing he didn't have anyone to gloat to. All he had was his journal. He unlocked the door, hoping for quiet, but was met with moans from the bedroom. Alexander groaned, and went to the kitchen, doing his work on the counter. After a while, John came out of his room, walking into the kitchen.

"So, who were you fucking in there?"

John whipped around, startled. He saw Alexander and sighed, turning back to the fridge.

"No one. Did you take the chips out of the fridge?"

"No. I don't touch those chips."

"But the chips aren't in the fridge!"

"Did you eat them all on your Twilight binge?" John looked over his shoulder.

"I didn't binge watch Twilight!"

"Yes, you did. I heard it the other night." Alex sighed.

"I wasn't watching Twilight!"

"THIS IS WHY WE BROKE UP!" Alex exclaimed. "You can't stop fucking complaining or whining about something, and when someone else is having issues, you just can't help them!" He got up and left the kitchen with his things, leaving before he could see the tears dripping down John's face.

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