11: Park

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Pegleg added Laf, Herc Liz, and Angie to the group chat.

Pegleg: hey bitches we need to plan a day we can all get 2gether and be crazy

Angie: language

Angie changed their name to Angel

Liz: yeah, Pegs. But we should do something together

Laf: yes we should. Herc and I will go

Laf changed Herc to Horsefucker
Horsefucker changed Laf to Baguette

Lexi❤: jude and I will be there.

Pegleg: what bout the park at like 4

Baguette: sound good

Horsefucker: ^

Lexi❤: ^^


John and Alexander were on their way to the park. Alex was excited to be hanging out with the gang, as they hadn't gotten together for at least a week. Once they arrived, Lafayette ran up to them, dragging them to an old picnic table. The rest of the squad was sitting there.

"Eliza said she had important news, non?" He said after Alex and John got situated.

"Oh..." Eliza blushed. "Don't kill me. I'm.. I'm pregnant."

The look of shock on Angelica Schuyler's face was unable to be mocked. She looked horrified, happy, sad, and angsty, all in one. Peggy, on the other hand, screeched in a joyful manner, asking Eliza loads of questions, Laf and Mulligan butting in on occasion.

John and Alex were in their own little world, talking about their own ideas and thoughts on Eliza's baby.


Happy New Year! Also, I'd like to give attention to thesweetpeach. Today her account, sweet-peachy got taken down, and her 40+ books filled with hard work are gone. I'm on my phone publishing this, otherwise I'd give a dedication. Have a great start to your 2019.

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