35: It's a Sad Story

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"Holy fuck, John, come here!" Alex beckoned his boyfriend over to the couch, where he was on the phone with Angelica.


"Hey, is that you, John?" Her voice sounded shaky and unconfident.

"Hey, Angie, it's John. What's up?"

"Eliza is dead. She jumped."

John stared at Alexander in shock.

"I have to go, bye guys. Stay strong."

John burst into tears, plopping onto the couch next to his boyfriend. Alex wrapped his arms around John gently, whispering sweet nothings into his ear to help calm him down. They sat, embraced, on the couch for two hours. The babies had been oddly silent, but were fine. John was convinced they knew something was wrong.


When they had put Eliza's casket into the ground, Alexander stopped crying. What had happened happened, and it was over now. It was now just fuel for further actions in life. He gripped John's hand, doing his best to be supportive of his boyfriend. He let John cry on his shoulder the entire drive home, the two of them in the back of a taxi cab.

"What's up with him?" The driver asked in a hushed tone.

"It's a sad story, but a beautiful one nonetheless."

The driver nodded. "I hope you both continue adding to the story, and don't decide to stop here. The longer the story is, the more of a chance there is for good to come."

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