End of Book One

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Heyo, Brea here. Just wanted to post this saying that the sequel, which would've been named "Forever", is going to be put into this story, just so it's easier, I guess.

How has it been so far? I feel like the further along it went, the better it got.

But that's just me.

Fun Facts About Opposites

1. Every chapter that has a song up top was written while I listened to only that song on repeat until I moved on to the next chapter

2. I originally was going to have Eliza give birth to twin boys, but changed my mind while writing chapter 13.

3. I can remember the important things that happen in a given chapter off the top of my head.

4. I wanted to kill off John at one point. Thank paramorefan21 for preventing it

5. My favourite band is the Beatles, hence the whole Beatles theme thing, and why Alex loves them so much

6. I forgot about them being in college halfway through, so I made them move and then started talking about college

7. I'm gay, in case you didn't know, and so I tried to give a little bit of sexual stuff but I made myself feel really awkward, so I made Johnny boi feel uncomfortable too.

8. The idea for this book came out of nowhere, and the plot finally started developing after like, chapter 6

9. paramorefan21 gave me a lot of ideas for things to include in the story, but I just took them and twisted them a bit to fit the story line

10. This is the longest book I've ever written. And the longest I've ever committed to a book. Yay.

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