6: Surprise

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John's Direct POV

On Thursday, Alexander and I decided to have a movie marathon. We planned on watching the Hunger Games series, maybe a Harry Potter or two, but today Alex was in a Disney mood, so we ended up watching a gazillion of those. However, it was worth the pain, as I was able to admire his child-like behaviour watching them. We were halfway through Moana when a ridiculously loud knock sounded out.

"I'll get it," I said, peeling myself off of the couch. I opened the door to see Eliza, in tears.

"Hey, what's up? Are you okay?"

"Hi, John...do you mind if I come in?" She whispered. I nodded, and she walked into our dorm. Alex took note of her presence, pausing the movie and looking up from his cocoon of blankets.

"Hey, Liz, what's wrong?"

I walked over to the couch, scooting in next to Lex. She sat in the arm chair to the right.

"Well.. you can't tell Angie or Pegs. So, I have-had a boyfriend that was abusive. His name was James. Anyway, I'd noticed that I started feeling sick in the mornings, and it wouldn't go away for a few weeks. I thought it was a severe bug and didn't think much of it." She sniffled.

"Yesterday I went to the doctors. I'm ten weeks pregnant."

I gaped at her.


She nodded.

"Well, this is amazing! Why are you upset about it?" Alex exclaimed.

"That's the thing. I don't...I don't want the baby. I'm not in a good position right now to have a child."

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